Of course the whole board knew this game was gonna blow, hell, even Pikabutcher foresaw this.
Hudson, what the hell were you thinking?
All of the bad reveiws made by the other players are quite hilarious, though. I rarely see a game with soo many "Abyssmal" ratings, only Superman 64 got a higher percentage than this. o_o
In fact, the only purpose Bomberman: Act Zero serves, and the only distinction it achieves, is to take the series to absolute rock bottom so there's nowhere left to go but up from here.
Well...I guess we have to be optimistic. We all knew that Bomberman was sliding downhill after the 64 games (or for some of us, the SNES or Saturn games, I think). Here's hoping Touch Bomberman can breathe a little more life into the corpse of the Bomberman series.
Act Zero attempts to justify the new look with a new story. It turns out that there's an underground prison where humans are kept as test subjects. You are one of those humans, and you have to become Bomberman so you can fight your way through 99 repetitive, joyless levels to escape.
That had a lot of potential to make Bomberman really badass. The story, that is, not the 99 levels. Wtf m8, 99 freakin' levels and no saves or continues. I think I'm going to give up hope that anyone's going to care about a good Bomberman single-player anymore and just continue writing my whacked-out fanfiction.
And just when you thought the game couldn’t get any lower, you'll see ridiculous and completely unnecessary bouncing breasts on the female character model. The fact that the developer took the time to program something as asinine as breast physics but couldn't be bothered to fix the game is indicative of the quality of the overall effort in Act Zero.
...oh dear sweet Mihaele. It's a joke, right? Right?
Deeper Bomberman plots/story modes will come some day.... most or all of them probably won't be from Hudson, though.
EDIT: I just read the review.... sounds like they didn't put much effort into it, like I thought they would. Not that I thought it would be good (in the Bomberman sense), but I thought they'd have put more effort into it.
Whoa, bomberman has reached a new low. I assumed it would've gotten a 5-6 but this is outrageous. Especially coming from Gamespot which gives 9.0+ to 30% of all the games they review.
In fact, the only purpose Bomberman: Act Zero serves, and the only distinction it achieves, is to take the series to absolute rock bottom so there's nowhere left to go but up from here.
^ Must not have seen Super Sentai Bomberman.
Although I must admit:
Sora G. Silverwind wrote:
99 freakin' levels and no saves or continues.
that really is unbelievable. I mean the NES/MSX first game had half the levels and yet featured passwords.
Personally, I was maybe the only optimist one about this game. I mean Megaman X is more mature Megaman and it worked so...
I won't say lack of polish like that of MMX would have surpised me but, man, no saving? What were they busy doing?
_________________ Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
i have often thorght about emailing them, but then again, Hudson have no presence outside of Japan, so would they have any english speaking staff in thair japan offices
I'm sure if you sent them an email and they really wanted to read it, even if they didn't have english speaking staff they'd probably find a way to read it. I would think they'd have a translator or something though but who knows?
well they could ude babelfish but things like that are flawed, iv triyed to translate this block of text below in to the japernise but it wouldent even work so iv used German as an example, this is me traslateing it to and from german a few times, my point beaing that thsy proberbly wont understand to what were talking about, but also because these translation flaws are hilarios
i typed the intro on the spot, it dosent resempbe my writeing abilaty
Dear Hudson, i represent the largest Bomberman community in the west, we are a group of loyal fans who have followed the series of Bomberman games for many years however recently we have felt that the efforts and ideas you have been putting into the games of recent have been incredibly poor, from a fans point of you, we have decided to produce an email of comments that you may want to consider executing in future games as we all believe the franchise could be so much more
Lieber Hudson, stelle ich die gr? Bomberman Gemeinschaft im Westen dar, sind wir eine Gruppe loyale Ventilatoren, die der Reihe der Bomberman Spiele f?le Jahre gefolgt haben, jedoch vor kurzem, das wir gef?aben, da?die Bem?n und die Ideen Sie sich in die Spiele von neuem gesetzt haben, von einem Ventilatorpunkt von Ihnen, wir haben entschieden, ein email der Anmerkungen zu produzieren unglaublich schlecht gewesen sind, die Sie in den zuk?en Spielen, durchzuf?erw䧥n w?n k?n, wie alle wir glauben, da?das Vorrecht mehr soviel sein k?e
Dear Hudson, I represent the largest Bomberman community in the west, am we a group loyale fans, which followed the row Bomberman of plays for many years, however recently, whom we felt that the efforts and the ideas you sat down into the plays of new, from one point of fan of you, we have decided, an email of the notes to produce were unbelievably bad, you in the future plays, accomplishing consider to wish to be able, how all believe we that the privilege could be more as many
Lieber Hudson, stelle ich die gr? Bomberman Gemeinschaft im Westen, morgens wir ein Gruppe loyale Ventilatoren, die der Reihe Bomberman der Spiele f?le Jahre folgten, jedoch vor kurzem dar, das wir glaubten, da?die Bem?n und die Ideen, die Sie in die Spiele von neuem, von einem Punkt des Ventilators von Ihnen, wir hinsassen, entschieden haben, ein email der Anmerkungen zu produzieren waren unglaublich schlecht, Sie spielt zuk? und vollendet betrachten m?en sein, wie alle uns glauben, da?das Privileg mehr da vieles sein k?e
Dear Hudson, represent I largest Bomberman community in the west, in the morning we group loyale fans, which followed the row Bomberman of the plays for many years, however recently, which we believed that the efforts and the ideas, which you into the plays of new, of one point of the fan of you, we sat decided, an email of the notes to be produced were unbelievably badly, you play in the future and with perfection would like to regard be, how all believed us that the privilege could be more there much
im going to leave that whole translation stuff up there because i find it funny but how about a serios letter, if everyone types up thair concerns and then we send them with an introduction as one big email, it may get ignored but at leats we can feel like we have triyed something