Re-make of an old picture idea I had from back in 6th grade. I have no clue what happened to the original sketch. Woe.
Another re-make of an old picture idea: Lilith from Second Attack dressed up as Lilith Aensland from Darkstalkers. We've got chibi!Lilith, and then we have fanservice-y!Lilith, which is usually how I tend to draw her ''s fun. I did have a CG of this idea from way back when, but it sucketh, so ye no need to see it.
LOL Now i know why he doesn't used rocket launcher or grenade launcher
Dear Rukifellth,
I like your cosplay idea for Lilith, but it will be better without suit, just bat wing only or maybe cat suit, just like cat girl from Darkstalkers. Well that all.
From Pizza Al
Starlight Planet, Pizza Hut 983 Street
Your drawings rule! And yes, I still remember the CG you mentioned. You made it for Christmas 2004, right? And I my memory is ok Lilith was wearing a Santa costume
Your drawings rule! And yes, I still remember the CG you mentioned. You made it for Christmas 2004, right? And I my memory is ok Lilith was wearing a Santa costume
Well, I did do that CG of poster-girl!Lilith back in that Christmas (along with Shiro and Ruk, which were crappy compared to the Lilith CG), but there was another CG I did of her in her realistic form wearing the Lilith Aensland costume. I doubt it's still floating around the Internet somewhere, and I have no clue what I did with it on my hard drive...