Tommorow me, my parents and my sis, we're going to Hong Kong so iam not going to be on bomberman board for some time. going to go shopping every morning when iam there. But its going to be a very hot summer (about 28 degrees and over ). so see you guys later. :P I probably come back with quite alot of goodies.
Yes yes it is, but it is a pretty common place to find any japanese technology. Mostly cause its the midpoint of most tech import operations from japan to the usa. Like take Lik-Sang for example.
Get me some pirated, illegal video games with horribly bad quality un-related pictures on the front yet the game being of surprisingly good quality with many translation errors. Thanks.
Last edited by Nintendork on Wed Jun 29, 2005 9:24 am
Nope, ive officially never been to but i know enough people who speak engrish fluently that i know enough about it. Don't forget there are many dialects to engrish. Ya got your spangrish, your japaningrish, your chinglish, and many many others.
like the spelling matters... the point of this topic was what he was going to do the next day, not something about spelling XD. it doesnt matter how its spelled really, at least we all know what it says lol.