Okay. Just wanted to start a BDaman topic. Seeming as I got my first BDaman today. I'm hoping to get more. It's one of the most obscure things I've ever seen, not what you'd expect to find on a countries top Online Auction site. That's coming from a country with no taste in good videogames...
Anyway It's Aoibon's (Blue Bomber's) giant robot thingy from one of the old BDaman Anime's. I'm not sure if it's an imitation one or not. Looks official enough. I'll get pics later.
So is BDaman still going in Japan? Recently I saw some Rockman (Megaman) Bdaman's on Ebay. And I think I heard something about a BDaman Anime being dubbed for a Us Channel. It's not the Hudson BDaman Anime though.
And just how many BDaman games are there? We all know that there was Bdaman for the Super Nintendo, but I saw a Non-Bomberman related sequel. Or something.
Anyway. Discuss.