Hello all. When not working on Bomberman stuff, I'm usually reading about climate change or working in various subs on reddit to get information around. Today I'd like to share what I have with you.
In the link below, I have composed what I call a master list of resources. This includes free ways you can start helping as well as a plethora of sites to donate to. Everything from planting trees to ocean cleanup to land preservation, it's all there. There's even a bunch on links to info on things like lawn care and how to deal with climate change anxiety.
One of the biggest things we can do from home is donate. I realize how this sounds, making a statement and telling people to spend money, sounds really asinine. However donating can be a lot easier than you think. Even a few dollars here and there can make an impact. Take for example the link about preserving rain forest land. You can literally purchase an acre on some of those plots for $0.76. So as you can put together, it's not hard to start making an impact.
Even then there's free stuff you can do so I highly recommend glossing over this, if only to appease me. If you have any suggestions for material or comments then please let me know. I'd like to grow this resource with time and make it the best I can. Thanks for reading folks.