Greetings everyone. My name is James Lee McKigney and the reason on why I am using Dynaharvest as the thread name and the placeholder name for the clone is because I am learning how to code and I want to make the best Bomberman Game that have everything from the all of the games (Including Atomic Bomberman, Irem Bomberman, Power Bomberman. This does not include Act Zero) and all of the story modes with the Grid based action you know and love. All stages, All Styles, and All of what you love.
I will try my hand on designing all kinds of things like graphics, areas, gameplay styles what have you. I will also include all the Bomber Men characters, the Super Smash Bros rosters, Those Obvious Choices that could have won the smash ballot, and the Sega All Stars cast as characters for Battle Games, and possibly include 16 Player support. I will also design the characters and worlds as if they are in every Bomber Man Game for theme selection.
It will be on Libretro, and I hope to make the Best Bomber Man yet.
I promise to abide by the rules and to be fair and also treat everybody as if they were me. I promise to abide by the rules