Hello everyone, i'm currently making my bomberman remake with online support.
Here u can check it out http://pyromentia.com
It is very early build and not very stable atm, but im working on it.
Any feedback / bug reports / suggestions would be very useful for me.
Here is short how to:
1) download game client http://pyromentia.com/pyromentia.zip
2) make sure u have JAVA RUNTIME ENVIROMENT installed, otherwise intall it from here http://java.com
3) open http://pyromentia.com and choose one of the servers at left sidebar
4) if u see AWAITING GAMESTATE message it means that round is already started OR u waiting for more players(2 minimum)
Controls is:
Arrows - move
X - lay bomb
Since I'm located is Russia u may have some latency(delay) issues.
If u guys like the idea I can provide server software to anyone who can host the server in order to reduce latency.
Why you don't use space to lay bombs, it's much better ;)
I completely disagree here. The Spacebar is a large and kind of cumbersome button to have to use repeatedly as the primary attack key for a game. Console controllers have buttons that are often smaller than the letter keys on your keyboard, why go for something far bigger? Also, using X is very common for computer games, as it allows for other actions to be delegated to the other letter keys that surround the X key.
However, pool could opt for
Now, for some constructive criticism on the game itself:
* Movement - I would rewrite the movement system so that the arrow keys move the player pixel-by-pixel instead of tile-by-tile. You can make it so that if the player walks into the corner of a block, he or she will instead move in a direction perpendicular to the direction that the player is pressing.
--Example: The player is pressing the UP key, but there is a block directly above the player so it is impossible to move in that direction. The player's x coordinate is smaller than the X coordinate of the block. Thus, the player's X coordinate is reduced pixel-by-pixel, step-by-step, until the player is no longer obstructed by the block, and the standard code for movement will allow him or her to proceed in an upward direction.
* Fire - When the player picks up a Fire Up item, it should not affect bombs that are already in play. When a player sets a bomb, and the bomb object is created, at that precise moment the player's Fire capacity stat should be passed to the bomb. When the bomb explodes, it will use its own local variable to determine the size of its explosion, rather than using the player's stat variable.
* Animations - You seem to have skipped a frame in the animationss. It should be more like this:
- Standing frame
- Left foot forward
- Standing frame
- Right foot forward
* Collision with Explosions - If a player is standing on a space that will soon be covered with a bomb's explosion, and the player moves off of that space right before the bomb explodes, the player will still die. I'm guessing that you are checking for collisions based on what tile the player was last on. This could be resolved if you implement a system that defines a mask for the player (a box with x1,y1,x2,y2 coordinates) and a mask for each explosion object, such that the player will only be affected by an explosion if his or her mask overlaps the mask of an explosion object.
--Example: The player's mask is currently (34,29,46,41). An explosion object nearby has a mask of (34,18,46,30). Since the player's mask overlaps the mask of the explosion object, the player will detect a collision with the explosion. (Note: the numbers given were just pulled out of thin air, there are probably better mask sizes for a Bomberman game and I can't remember what I've used in the past)
I didn't notice much else that couldn't be resolved if the above issues were to be resolved. Please understand that I only mean to be helpful here.
I completely disagree here. The Spacebar is a large and kind of cumbersome button to have to use repeatedly as the primary attack key for a game. Console controllers have buttons that are often smaller than the letter keys on your keyboard, why go for something far bigger? Also, using X is very common for computer games, as it allows for other actions to be delegated to the other letter keys that surround the X key.
Everyone has his own opinion.
But i think space is not only the best primary attack key but it's also symbolic for a bomberman internet game. And that for a good reason.
Every good bomberman game on the net uses/used space for primary attack because it's big and you can't confound it with other keys.
You also wouldn't waste extra concentration for pressing the very small X button.
I speak from personal decade-long experience
@pool: You can maybe create a fourm on your site for community and feedback.
plasm, thank you for such a usefull feedback, gonna fix all those problems.
Omega, its kinds not a big deal i can add keyboard configuration in future, i didnt though about space bar cause im totally agree with plasm i think its too big for being repeately used.
Yeah i plan to add forums to the site in future.
@pool: The "what key should we use" question isn't that important for the beginning. I was just saying :)
Keyboard configurations for the future would be great.
I will try this game than i may give feedback, plasm did good work with movement and fire already.
I prefer the Z key, and I've been playing PC games for more or less 2 decades. I also have a keyboard that cost a great deal more then yours, which clearly makes me an uncontested expert on keyboard input (and my arcade machine, vast selection of consoles, controllers and adapters clearly makes me an expert at video game input in general). A majority of the hardest games in existence also use either z x or shift alt or control. Doujin shooters, Super Meat Boy, IWTBTG, clearly the true experts know the vast superiority of those keys over the spacebar. You are entitled to your opinion, but your opinion is scientifically proven to be incorrect. The fact that the BMO games used space bar for bomb placing was just an oversight due to the fact that at the time, Hudson only had experience with console games. It was a mistake that was forgiven by the hardcore players due to the fact that you could remap these controls. Whether or not the new BMO game fixed that error I am not sure, but if it did not that would explain why it was discontinued in such short notice. Just practice a bit and you'll gain the dexterity required to play video games. Really now, for bomberman, you've got to go with either a good controller (ala snes) or go with the z, otherwise, there is really no way to you even to compete with good players. With a bit of work, you can learn to use the z key as second nature, and then you can truly compete with top level players. Of course, it would make no sense for you not to know this, and therefore I present another theory. You are just proposing space bar to hurt the professional level players into playing at your level. Shame...
A joke of course. I saw a silly argument, and was forced to follow suit. Bonus points if you can point out my use of logical fallacies. Honestly I don't care either way, I tend to prefer z or x when I think of it, but not enough that I end up remapping the controls on games that use spacebar. In reality, I have no reason to not use my snes pad for most console style games I care about anyway. Whether it is natively supported, or I have to use joytokey or something to that effect.
As for the game, I'll likely not try it a bit due to the required effort (reboot, install, get friend to install). I also assume at this point that you have a decent idea of what needs done. I am somewhat interested in your implementation details though, language, libraries etc, just as it's something I like to know. Also note that I'm still waiting for a online bomberman game with good net-code, I found the blast games to be disappointing in that regard, so I wish you luck (though I'm rather picky about lag in gamers like this, so I end up playing games that lag is less of an issue).
It is really a matter of personal opinion as to which key is preferred, but I do not see how the letter keys would be too small to press and would take away concentration for the game. We're all typing using the letter keys right now, and I presume that none of us are constantly hitting the wrong letters and having to backspace. I'm pretty sure that most keyboard have letter keys that are bigger than the buttons found on your N64 or SNES controller anyway. Besides, you just leave your finger on the key, no reason to take it off.
Playing Bomberman games, I usually map the C key to Bomb, the X key to Punch/Push/Action, and the Z key to detonate (Remote Bombs). Pretty simple layout, and to me it's actually easier than using a controller since you can leave all three fingers on all three keys, while on, say, a SNES controller, you have to use your thumb for each button and therefore cannot keep a digit on every button simultaneously.
Also, I've been playing PC/DOS games way before I ever touched a console, not that it really matters at all, ha ha.
But yeah, it is all a matter of preference anyway.
@fireball: I played pc games also for 2 decades, but what i ment was that i played bomberman on pc a decade long, just to clear this up.
@pool: Ok here are some suggestions, btw. good work so far.
I played alone so i can't tell you much more, the movement must be fixed it's very important for Player vs Player.
- Destructable walls should have a slightly other color.
- Eeach player model should have a other color.
- Maybe you can put a chat-option ingame, this is very usefull in bomberman.
- If you have lot of power up's and are laying 2 bombs in a row not only one but more destructable walls will be destructed. Instead of 1.
- Most important.
You should set the bombtimer like 1 second longer if you want to play it competitive.
Play with the timer a bit to get it optimal.
@fireball: I played pc games also for 2 decades, but what i ment was that i played bomberman on pc a decade long, just to clear this up.
Who here didn't (a pretty decent segment of this community has been around for nearly that long)? Even if they didn't, what does playing Bomberman for a decade on PC get you? It has nothing to do with the argument at hand. Appeal to (false) authority is a logical fallacy. (as is appeal to tradition) They're completely meaningless and detract from the argument. That's the point.
On the bright side, if you played PC games 20 years ago, you had to have experienced the dial up local area BBS scene, oh how I miss those.
I was more meaning who here didn't play BMO-J. (or Atomic Bomberman before it). My guess would be that the people who did and didn't splits our active member base about 50/50. Bomberman before that was just a console game for me though (there weren't a lot of standard PC releases that I can recall), Lode Runner on the other hand, I played... a long time ago.
The following issues has been fixed, everyone thanks for feedback, i keep on working.
* Movement - I would rewrite the movement system so that the arrow keys move the player pixel-by-pixel instead of tile-by-tile. You can make it so that if the player walks into the corner of a block, he or she will instead move in a direction perpendicular to the direction that the player is pressing.
--Example: The player is pressing the UP key, but there is a block directly above the player so it is impossible to move in that direction. The player's x coordinate is smaller than the X coordinate of the block. Thus, the player's X coordinate is reduced pixel-by-pixel, step-by-step, until the player is no longer obstructed by the block, and the standard code for movement will allow him or her to proceed in an upward direction.
* Fire - When the player picks up a Fire Up item, it should not affect bombs that are already in play. When a player sets a bomb, and the bomb object is created, at that precise moment the player's Fire capacity stat should be passed to the bomb. When the bomb explodes, it will use its own local variable to determine the size of its explosion, rather than using the player's stat variable.
* Collision with Explosions - If a player is standing on a space that will soon be covered with a bomb's explosion, and the player moves off of that space right before the bomb explodes, the player will still die. I'm guessing that you are checking for collisions based on what tile the player was last on. This could be resolved if you implement a system that defines a mask for the player (a box with x1,y1,x2,y2 coordinates) and a mask for each explosion object, such that the player will only be affected by an explosion if his or her mask overlaps the mask of an explosion object.
--Example: The player's mask is currently (34,29,46,41). An explosion object nearby has a mask of (34,18,46,30). Since the player's mask overlaps the mask of the explosion object, the player will detect a collision with the explosion. (Note: the numbers given were just pulled out of thin air, there are probably better mask sizes for a Bomberman game and I can't remember what I've used in the past)
- If you have lot of power up's and are laying 2 bombs in a row not only one but more destructable walls will be destructed. Instead of 1.
- Most important.
You should set the bombtimer like 1 second longer if you want to play it competitive.
Play with the timer a bit to get it optimal.
@pool: Wow, much better design ;)
BTW you was playing with me :D
yeah that look better though
it seems u haven't updated game client and we had synchronization problems, now i've fixed it, u now will get "UPDATE GAME CLIENT" message while connecting via old client.