Yeeah, I decided to pop back in because I haven't in... what, at least a year or so?
Anyways, I wanna try and get on more often, Bomberman is still my homie, yo.
But I just have to share how awesome my life is right now. I've started my freshman year of college this year. Guess where I'm going? Digipen Institute of Technology.
That place. Not in Singapore though, I'm at the campus in Washington. xD;
Why is it awesome? Because it's basically a school for Nintendo to train prospective employees (though lots of other companies hire out of them too, like Microsoft and ArenaNet, Pixar and Dreamworks). In short, it's my dream school, I'm actually getting an education to do what I love...
Thoooough the workload has been so crazy I haven't played any actual video games in months. xD; Ironic in a way.
Anyways, I'm gonna try and pop in more, because this community is awesome. You guys rock.