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SNES/SFC Bomberman Games Played on the PS2
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Post#1  Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 4:29 am  Reply with quote + 
Howdy. I finally worked out the full procedures for SNES/SFC emulation that I might have mentioned wanting to sort out in other threads having to do with the PS2 fliptop mod I did. I searched to see if I ever came back and posted about my little local bomberman event, and I don't see anything. Forgive me if this is duplicate info.

The most vital thing I did was successfully played several players in the misc Super Bomberman titles via SNES-Station. Back around July 4th. We only had 4 people, since the 5th person was busy chasing their kid, but it was fun. We couldn't build a ramp in time to get my friend Josh there, who's in a wheelchair, and some of my Charlotte peeps had to work Friday so a Thursday night thing was out for them. But it was rad. We opted for the PS2 alone, and left the Dreamcast, GameCube, and Saturn at my house, mostly since so many people couldn't make it due to work/prior obligations.

To repeat this, you need:

* modded PS2 of some kind
* SNES-Station disc with all the bomberman games on it hopefully
* a PS2 multitap (plugged into port 2 just like your SNES/SFC one was for Bomberman)
* 4-5 PS2 controllers. PS1 controllers will not work for some reason.
* some snacks or drinks, whatever.

The emulation on the PS2 is pretty nifty, and it's a lot less baggage to carry around if you don't have a laptop able to run the emulators with 4-5 pads mapped. The best part of using the PS2 instead of the PC is that the emulator is smart enough to detect the other pads, so long as you have them plugged up right. I tried using PS1 pads and PS2 pads mixed, but no go. Maybe other PS2 multitaps would work, but who knows. PS1 pads do work on some PS2 bomberman games I play from Europe and Japan though to allow mixed controller multiplayer matches, but the emulator says no.

My friends and I played for around 3.5 hours, after we put together a grill. We played Super Bomberman 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and it was mostly pretty competitive. Had a ball, so when the bbq itself came to pass, the day after on Friday, I was so utterly trashed we never got to do karaoke or more Bomberman. Fail! Win on one hand since it was a fond farewell to my friend heading back to Iraq, and we all enjoyed the time spent.

On a related note, I also tried the Genesis emulation since Mega Bomberman is the shizzit. Sadly, four players does not work so well in PGEN. That or it does not like my multitap. I tried it both in slot 1 and in slot 2, and either way it had one controller moving several characters. A challenging puzzle to decipher how not to kill one of your guys, since every move they make, despite being in tandem changer where they can go, or where they are in relation to the others.

Not sure if that will ever help anyone, but on the cool scale, I place it at at least a 6. You almost forgot it wasn't a real SNES/SFC after a while. Though, I want to grab SFC Super Bomberman 4 and 5 anyways so I can use my carts, consoles, and real pads. Someday... :xeyes: 

I really wish there was some manner of local multiplayer networking on the NDS SNES/SFC emulator, or hell, even the NES/Famicom one. The world cannot take that much win I guess.
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