Alot of us watched jetters as did I. There's quite a few discussions on various elements in the anime section of the boards. I personally liked the show, but haven't seen it in quite a long time.
I was under the impression that there were two seasons, the first one ending with (spoiler I guess)
Max defeated the first time.
In any case, it appears to have been written that way - as in, the show was written for that story arc - so it was supposed to end. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I have watched the fansubs twice now. Enjoyed it a good bit. There were 52 episodes, spread over 1 Season as far as I know. None of the websites I've loaded off Google say whether it was 1 season or two though.
I just finished the series two days ago. I wasn't really expecting much when I started it and the thought of slogging through 52 episodes didn't sound fun, but I was pleasantly surprised with the series!
The drama regarding Mighty and Zero really roped me in and kept me hooked all the way through, though the ending left me feeling a bit... eh. All that dramatic build-up both regarding Dark Force Bomber and OH GOD THE PLANETS ARE COLLIDING, and they're both solved just by the characters being very emotional. I can let Shiro's victory slide, but teleporting the planets back to their original locations just seemed too much of a stretch for me, personally. Plus, man, Misty joins the Jetters! At least have another episode where we see what that's like.
Covering the series for my site would be no sweat if I could just get my hands on clean subtitle-free videos, though.
I'm like at episode 4 or 5. I thought it was okay, though I'm usually more into the mecha anime, but I still like the Jetters anime. It might take me a while to watch the whole show since when it comes to watching new shows for me, takes me a while for me to finish it .
I'm not a huge fan of anime (arghh don't kill me) but I will say that this show is good. It starts off silly but then it gets pretty deep. There's a line that Bagura says towards the end of the series that just gets me every time.
(Don't read unless you've finished the series, or you won't get it really)
"The life of your precious grandson, of whom only one exists in the universe, was taken because of me."