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How is everybody doing?
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Post#1  Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 8:09 pm  Reply with quote + 
With people on and off for periods of time and things being slow lately it's kind of hard to have an idea how everybody is doing. I decided to make this topic simply to ask how everyone was.

Anyway, I've been great aside from an injury skateboarding last week. It's mostly healed though so I'll be fine. Still enjoying Bomberman Blast a lot as well...
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Regulus 777

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Post#2  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:08 am  Reply with quote + 
I'm so busy with work lately. I work for a supermarket so we're getting slammed this tiem of year. We had an ad which increased business recently and we've also got inventory coming up next week and then of course thanksgiving. I's just nonstop.

That aside I've been trying to play some games here and there, Mostly Phantasy Star Universe which i recently got back into for kicks. I've also been trying to hang out with some of my friends i haven't seen in awhile.

That's pretty much it.
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Post#3  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:22 am  Reply with quote + 
tell me about it man working retail takes alot out of you especially with the holiday season coming up its gonna be hell for the next 2 months...

But i have a confession to make. forgive me bombermanboard members for i have sinned..i have not played nor touched a bomberman game in over a year :sad:  i havent really played any games to tell you the truth :oops: 
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Post#4  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:35 am  Reply with quote + 
I'm busy despite the fact that I currently have less responsibilities then ever.

I played super bomberman with 3 friends 2 days ago, hurray for myself.
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Post#5  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:29 am  Reply with quote + 
I've been keeping busy with my the 2 games that I'm developing, also been spending some time watching animes and dramas- though I've gone through most any good now. From time to time I'll jump on boj for a match or two, too bad that a lot of the japanese people have been quitting.
"Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but they're not entitled to their own facts."
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Post#6  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:51 am  Reply with quote + 
Yeah, I don't miss my retail days at the gas station. People got even more insane this time of year. Car accidents in the parking lot went up, driveoffs went up, and generally people treated each other more like crap every day closer to Christmas we got.

I have been kept busy with random stuff. My wife had me watch a lot of these regency romance TV shows and movies from Europe, mostly from the BBC, for weeks. I also watched Charmed Season 1 and Gilmore Girls Season 1 with her, though a few eps remain of the latter. I have some episodes of Merlin and some other UK TV shows to watch but she's not yet returned the favor. Mind you, several months back I watched all 5 or 7 seasons of Queer as Folk with her. We had made a deal that if I watched that she would watch some bad horror movies more often with me, but it hasn't happened yet. :cry: 

At the moment she's wrapped up in designing some website for friends and her writing, so I'm off the hook. With that time I've been at the keyboard chatting on IRC less and playing my DS instead. I beat Bomberman Land Touch a couple weekends ago, playing through Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia as well as Drawn to Life. I made a Bomberman character in it with a Bomb gun called Eric (as in the name he had in Eric and the Foaters). Besides that it's been slack around and wait for my holiday vacation to arrive, bake spicy pepper corn muffins, make Pico de Gallo salsa, and put off working on my music tracking projects, my video editing projects for YouTube, or submitting audio rehearsals for some animated movie a UK friend is working on with his director. I mean, I want to do some voices for the movie, but I just have been so lazy I haven't read the script lines into mp3 yet. :normal: 

If I had more money at the moment free, I'd already have a 360 and be spending time playing that. I would probably play BOJ, but that means sitting at the hdtv in the bedroom, and I sit at a PC all day at work. The TV is at the end of the bed so I can never use that PC and be comfortable, even when I drag in a mini recliner. It's so sad. Anything like video or audio work means sitting there as well, and my back hates me for it before long. lol

I should say, I can IRC from the dining room PC with a comfortable chair. That PC is old and does not even have sound, let alone video apps and so forth. The PC that did allow minor video editing before I put Ubuntu on it to speed it up died horribly after a power outage. I figured I'd edit this to explain, since you'd think I was bipolar or something by IRCing from the bedroom for hours but not using the PC for projects. LOL
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Post#7  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:58 pm  Reply with quote + 
Basically I've been battling against my own laziness and playing several video games I never got the chance to complete due to school or WoW. I've also been trying to motivate myself into doing artwork again, but it's not that easy. I've been unable to get a local job solely because my location offers very, very few jobs... And the nearest city is about thirty minutes away from home, one hour for three major cities in Georgia.

I'm home for the fall and I'm debating whether if I'm returning to my current college in the spring or if I'm going to transfer since I've never really enjoyed the school. I might have to see the guy who recruited me into my college to see about what I might need to do in the next few weeks.

I'm also trying to get my driver's license, so that I can actually attend that Bman 'Convention' we've talked about in the past...

You DO remember that plan correct...?

But I've been unable to get any practices because my Aunt has finally found a job but has to go to Atlanta several times a week to practice for her new job. I kinda hope she gets hired soon and move out, she and her son have really worked my nerves down, to the point where I'd happily go back to the very college I hate so much JUST to get away from them... Mom claims she isn't bothered by them, but I can definitely tell she would be completely esactic to be rid of them now from all the mumbling she does about them every weekend... And how often she makes fun of her sister's constant nagging at her son behind her back.

So it's either play video games or just sit around all day, seeing I've been doing this for months now(End of July), it's really starting to take its toll on me. I'm so antsy I might JUST enlist in the Air Force Corps. JUST to have something to do.

It's been getting colder here lately and cold weather makes me incredibly cranky, especially when taking a shower because the incoming cold snap once you step out of the warm bathroom into the living room will make you cry afterwards. Winter is definitely around the corner so I'm gonna have to buckle down. I just hope I get something nice for Xmas (*Cough*Money*Cough*Wii*Cough*Laptop*Cough*).

I'm fine other than that. =\
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Post#8  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 2:26 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ao Bomber, that is pretty crazy stuff. That sounds like me and my mother before I flew the coop. My brother had left before me and he was younger! I stuck around out of obligation, then got tired of her nonsense and moved in with my then gf, and now wife. That cold you speak of post shower is no joke. Up in NY it drove me entirely crazy, as I'd try to shower before school, then have to walk to school with semi wet hair. Clear across the river and probably close to a mile off or more, just to avoid people.

I wanted to do the military thing but I've always been fat. lol No denying it. The navy wouldn't talk to me before I lost a lot, and I never tried the other branches because the recruiter was such a jerk about how he handled telling me this. I was set to go to Americorps NCCC to their Audora, CO campus but I met this crazy chick off the internet and she moved in with me, and I dropped out. Then she became really crazy, moved out, and I eventually met my wife after talking/meeting random internet ladies.

That bomberman convention sounds good to me. I've wanted to attend a classic gaming convention, but never made the effort except for the NAVA meeting in Howell, NJ. I went with collector buddies from Virginia. My brother lives in Norfolk now, and depending on the state, thanks to IRC, I have a floor to crash on in many cases. Maybe even a couch if I am lucky. I've wanted to do a bomberman convention but trying to figure out when and where and blah is so insane for me. My bomberman irc peeps are either spread out or they are focused in California, depending on which channel I look at. So, ideally I'd have to fly out there to meet my old website's host, and his people I have chatted with a lot.

I've told Ven that he should try to attend CinciCon as they will probably have a bomberman tournament, as he's in Ohio. I need to get up that way someday to visit a couple crazy people I know, though haven't been that way in years. It's usually me being slack and not going, rather than not having places to go. :sad:  Not having enough money to enjoy myself and being married maybe. Bah!

How far are you away from Atlanta, Ao? I knew three people in GA I was supposed to visit but one moved to IL. The other two are spread out. One is in Atlanta and one is somewhere a bit away from there but on the way there if I were driving from NC. The guys have an annual meeting that I've caught hell for missing every year. This coming summer, we will have the car and I'll have vacation time off, so...only cash will stop me. Or laziness. Actually this guy who just quit college here that actually knew about Bomberman that was my DS game buddy went back to Atlanta, so that makes three again I suppose.

Speaking of meetings, and people in other states, does anyone here reside near Johnson City, TN or maybe not too far away? I've got to visit my father-in-law near there next month and I really really really do not want to have to spend the whole amount of time at his house. He lives in some small town near there and it is dead in the hollar, so entirely dead you feel like your heart it going to stop from the boredom. My wife is meeting a friend for dinner, so that's one night I get out of the house for, but if anyone else is anywhere near there and wants to hit up an asian buffet or some other good restaurant, or just grab a burger, let me know in PM. All my irc peeps from TN moved away, so now I've got to make new ones.

What was the plan for this bomberman meetup before? I am most intrigued by this idea. lol
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Post#9  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 5:01 pm  Reply with quote + 
Hmmm.... I absolutely hate this question!!!! This is the most sickening question, I hate being asked this every single day in my regular life, is there no better greeting?! Why can't people just say "hey" or "hello" instead of "how's it going" or "how ya doin?" because people really don't want to know that, they only want to hear the generic "good" or "great!"

Therefore, my answer will be, plain and simply, "Hmh." That is all.

....I'm not really angry or anything, this phrase just kind of triggered this reaction in me. You guys can't really make me angry, hahaha. Do not take this offensively.
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Post#10  Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 6:05 pm  Reply with quote + 
Dark Zaphe wrote:
Hmmm.... I absolutely hate this question!!!! This is the most sickening question, I hate being asked this every single day in my regular life, is there no better greeting?! Why can't people just say "hey" or "hello" instead of "how's it going" or "how ya doin?" because people really don't want to know that, they only want to hear the generic "good" or "great!"

Therefore, my answer will be, plain and simply, "Hmh." That is all.

....I'm not really angry or anything, this phrase just kind of triggered this reaction in me. You guys can't really make me angry, hahaha. Do not take this offensively.

Yeah, it's always funny how this question gets answered by people. I mean, I don't want to hear about someone's yeast infection in the supermarket line when a clerk kindly asks how someone is doing, nor do I intend to tell coworkers I was could have gotten more sleep instead of being sore from carnal time with my wife, but it happens I guess. I am just glad I was not the only long-winded respondee, as I normally am.

Brevity has never in my life been my strong suit.
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Post#11  Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:22 pm  Reply with quote + 
Heh heh, well my problem originates more from the fact that people want to hear a straight and simple lie rather than "This day, like every other one, is terrible and they will all be like that until the world starts spinning backwards."

Although I am not bothered by long-winded people or conversations so long as they are not boring or disturbing.
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Regulus 777

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Post#12  Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 7:29 pm  Reply with quote + 
I dug up the meeting topic Dragon bomber

no one has posted in it for months but here's the info.
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Post#13  Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2008 6:15 pm  Reply with quote + 
Thank you, Regulus. I posted a reply there to bump it in case others had not seen it and whatnot. The idea sounds very promising though.
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Post#14  Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:33 pm  Reply with quote + 
Dark Zaphe wrote:
Hmmm.... I absolutely hate this question!!!! This is the most sickening question, I hate being asked this every single day in my regular life, is there no better greeting?! Why can't people just say "hey" or "hello" instead of "how's it going" or "how ya doin?" because people really don't want to know that, they only want to hear the generic "good" or "great!"

Therefore, my answer will be, plain and simply, "Hmh." That is all.

....I'm not really angry or anything, this phrase just kind of triggered this reaction in me. You guys can't really make me angry, hahaha. Do not take this offensively.

Haha. That's really the last answer I expected I guess. I don't normally run around asking people how they are all the time... but yeah

Personally the latest with me is I'm having troubles in high school because I got lazy. I need to change that soon or I could have bad grades for the quarter. Also skateboarding is starting to really make me mad because it seems as if my skils are getting worse, not better. I was doing great for a little while and it all fell apart after I got mad about something yesterday. I probably looked the worst I have since the summer.

Amongst good things, my YouTube channel is the first one that comes up now if you do a search for "bomberman" under the channel category. I'm pleased with that.

Anyway, I don't have a job but I think I can understand everyone's frustrations about this season. Everybody wants to buy things at about the same time... I'll probably get a job once I have control of school life again.
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Post#15  Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 4:44 pm  Reply with quote + 
I try to buy other people things as little as possible for the holidays. I do not much send family anything, nor many people I know. Partly because I don't have the money to waste and partly because no one ever really thought of me, so why worry about the ritual? I prefer people do not get me things as it means I do not have to have any guilt when I fail to get them something. :wink:  My wife sends cards to her online friends, and a couple local friends might get a small token, but that's it.

Dakirbydude, you probably skate far better than my fat arse ever managed when I had a skateboard. Leaps and bounds above what I managed. I still only have those three Bomberman videos on YouTube from Saturn Bomberman Fight. The kirby video taken from a DVD I bought, with some Elvis sounding song "if you can't beat 'em, eat 'em" is pretty popular though. It is my most popular youtube video so far.
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Post#16  Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:38 am  Reply with quote + 
dakirbydude wrote:
Personally the latest with me is I'm having troubles in high school because I got lazy. I need to change that soon or I could have bad grades for the quarter.

This was always my problem in school. I'd often come close to failing cause i got too lazy with work or skipped too much. I usually try to do just enough work in order to pass but sometimes fell short. ha ha. My english classes were always in the morning and i would sleep in alot and skip a class or two and had to take english over in the summer to graduate. I'm so glad I'm done with school. It brought me alot more greif then work does.

As far as xmas goes I like to try and get my closest friends and family a little something neat and they try to do the same for me. Last year went pretty well, I got my cousin an elfen lied wall clock and he loved it. It was a custom one that someone made and sold on ebay. I got my brother a haruhi figure that he liked. Just usually a little something out of the ordinary that isn't too pricy that I think the person in mind will like.

But yeah I'll usually just buy a gift for my parents and 4-5 of my friends/close relatives
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Post#17  Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:42 am  Reply with quote + 
Regulus 777 wrote:
dakirbydude wrote:
Personally the latest with me is I'm having troubles in high school because I got lazy. I need to change that soon or I could have bad grades for the quarter.

This was always my problem in school. I'd often come close to failing cause i got too lazy with work or skipped too much. I usually try to do just enough work in order to pass but sometimes fell short. ha ha. My english classes were always in the morning and i would sleep in alot and skip a class or two and had to take english over in the summer to graduate. I'm so glad I'm done with school. It brought me alot more greif then work does.

It's nice to know that somebody understands where I am at. At any given time a four way civil war is being battled inside my mind. The main two things are my two interests and passions that conflict.

I love video games. But sometimes I play them way too much and try to slow down my habits. And I love Kirby, Bomberman and EarthBound so much that I'll probably still appreciate those series when I'm about to die. I have tried to slow down a bit though because I do love video games but too much does seem to be a bad thing to do. Not "too much" as in 4-5 hours but as in about 17 which I did the day after I got Super Smash Bros Brawl. That was the most hardcore gaming thing I've really done, and it was pretty bad in a sense. Doing things like that IS too much. Also, my YouTube channel motivates me to play video games even more because I'm very happy with people seeing my channel, watching my videos, and I like making YT videos for fun.

And I also love skateboarding. I've stated way too late to go pro as I begain my practicing last summer. I wanted to become a skater long ago when I was in about 5th grade. I played Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 for the GameCube and that game is the best skate game ever made. Sad thing is as a kid I was too afraid to hit the ground and that combined with me not having a nice skateboard back then (wal mart kind lol) killed my learning for years.

Behind my interests is a need to have people around. I don't think about this all the time but I've been very lonely in the past. I have about 10-15 good friends I can talk to, but the problem is most of them have moved all over the States and I don't get to see them anymore. It kind of hurts at times but it's not always the thing at the top of my mind. When I do think about it I try to figure out who I know that I might possibly be able to become good friends with, but most of the people that like and accept me have moved every which way.

And my desiere to get good grades in school. I want good grades but I don't really work for them most of the time and it's usually my last priority. Last week it was first though because my grades were the worst they have ever been and my parents weren't happy at all. They were going to take away my skateboard, laptop, video games, and pretty much everything that makes me happy. My parents found out because of edline which pretty much came from hell. Edline is a site that notifies yourself and your parents of your grades weekly except I don't know how to get on it and my parents always get extremely angry even if I'm doing well. Edline has ruined weeks of my life at a time.

So the best thing to do out of the four would probably to work on good grades so that I can have a nice life and work on the rest later, but I would rather just have fun then work and then have fun. The reason is because of the working part. >_>
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Post#18  Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 1:51 pm  Reply with quote + 
Man, dakirbydude, you really got sideswiped by the edsite and the parents finding your grades before you even know them. :cry:  That is some seriously weak conditions under which to operate. You are always under the microscope with no slack really whatsoever. I am sorry to see such a site exists. Maybe the powers that be with find it with some debilitating server issue down the road so you can breathe the free air once again...

My mom was not so much on me for grades though she bragged about them enough. I felt the need to do well, but honestly, I didn't even try. I did as little as humanly possible to get average grades. I didn't exactly enjoy school due to always getting in fights, being stalked, and generally made fun of for years until I got strong enough to beat people down. However, I only missed 1 day from 7th grade to graduation all because I disliked being home from school so much. Sad isn't it?

All my HS friends live in other states, several still up where I lived in upstate New York area or nearby. I made friends here via jobs I had, online (IRC mostly), friends of friends, and all that, but work hours and day to day life BS means we don't see much of each other. Some of my friends are military so they are gone in Iraq and elsewhere for months out of the year, then when they're here they are busy working crazy overtime or out partying. I do not go to bars so I never go with them, and thus we rarely hang out except every so often. Other friends were sucked into the online RPG vacuum, both WoW and LOTRO, so I never can get them out of the house and would rather not hang out there while they play their games. :mad: 

Outside of work I pretty much chatter away on forums, IRC, and watch DVRd shows outside of playing games now and then. It's that or watching some show my wife wants to see while ignoring all the horror movies I have and want to watch. We're watching Charmed Season 2 and Gilmore Girls Season 1 at the moment. :hilarious: 

So, overall, my life has really gotten less social than when I was in junior high and highschool. Back then I would go see movies, play tennis, play football, play basketball, hang out for mario kart/bomberman sessions, and generally find stuff to do without having to use the PC for anything other than my IRC habit that was growing since '96 or so. Now, not only do I use it at work constantly to catalog books, but it's always some part of my night schedule as well, even if if I am only checking in and then fleeing for games/meeting friends.

If I knew then what I know now I'd have been more social and gotten a real job and not paper routes sooner, but that's life. I had the opportunities, I just was a loner outside the small group of people I found off and on I didn't want to ignore. Overall it was fine though, just more boring than I would have it now. Without my brother, I really would have probably been in hell as despite our fighting now and again, we did a lot together. Games mostly. He's actually on his way over from Norfolk for a day trip. I'm at work, but I imagine we won't cause too much of a commotion here in the library. :wink: 

I hope it gets better for all of you in difficult situations, though if it doesn't work out to your desires you only have yourselves and sloth to blame. Trust you me. Time goes by quick as hell when you least expect it, but not quick enough when things are sucking hard and there is no easy escape...
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Post#19  Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:47 pm  Reply with quote + 
DragonBomber wrote:
Ao Bomber, that is pretty crazy stuff. That sounds like me and my mother before I flew the coop. My brother had left before me and he was younger! I stuck around out of obligation, then got tired of her nonsense and moved in with my then gf, and now wife. That cold you speak of post shower is no joke. Up in NY it drove me entirely crazy, as I'd try to shower before school, then have to walk to school with semi wet hair. Clear across the river and probably close to a mile off or more, just to avoid people.

Hah, read this for the real scoop on things. Don't read if you don't like drama though. Me and my mother have pretty much patched things up these past weeks so it's kinda outdated.

DragonBomber wrote:
I wanted to do the military thing but I've always been fat. lol No denying it. The navy wouldn't talk to me before I lost a lot, and I never tried the other branches because the recruiter was such a jerk about how he handled telling me this. I was set to go to Americorps NCCC to their Audora, CO campus but I met this crazy chick off the internet and she moved in with me, and I dropped out. Then she became really crazy, moved out, and I eventually met my wife after talking/meeting random internet ladies.

lol, I might get turned down because I'm skinny (You can see my ribcage). I'm not fond of the whole working for the country thing for reasons I don't really want to explain ATM. Dad was making it sound like a good idea, but mom says otherwise, and now I don't know what to do because I'm not even sure what I'd be getting myself into.

DragonBomber wrote:
That bomberman convention sounds good to me. I've wanted to attend a classic gaming convention, but never made the effort except for the NAVA meeting in Howell, NJ. I went with collector buddies from Virginia. My brother lives in Norfolk now, and depending on the state, thanks to IRC, I have a floor to crash on in many cases. Maybe even a couch if I am lucky. I've wanted to do a bomberman convention but trying to figure out when and where and blah is so insane for me. My bomberman irc peeps are either spread out or they are focused in California, depending on which channel I look at. So, ideally I'd have to fly out there to meet my old website's host, and his people I have chatted with a lot.

I've told Ven that he should try to attend CinciCon as they will probably have a bomberman tournament, as he's in Ohio. I need to get up that way someday to visit a couple crazy people I know, though haven't been that way in years. It's usually me being slack and not going, rather than not having places to go. :sad:  Not having enough money to enjoy myself and being married maybe. Bah!

I feel ya, I'm having trouble in college due to sheer laziness and I need money to go back. But my 2.1 GPA isn't going to get much coins tossed at me. I might just stay home and go parttime while getting a job for a semester or two. :sad: 

DragonBomber wrote:
How far are you away from Atlanta, Ao? I knew three people in GA I was supposed to visit but one moved to IL. The other two are spread out. One is in Atlanta and one is somewhere a bit away from there but on the way there if I were driving from NC. The guys have an annual meeting that I've caught hell for missing every year. This coming summer, we will have the car and I'll have vacation time off, so...only cash will stop me. Or laziness. Actually this guy who just quit college here that actually knew about Bomberman that was my DS game buddy went back to Atlanta, so that makes three again I suppose.

Speaking of meetings, and people in other states, does anyone here reside near Johnson City, TN or maybe not too far away? I've got to visit my father-in-law near there next month and I really really really do not want to have to spend the whole amount of time at his house. He lives in some small town near there and it is dead in the hollar, so entirely dead you feel like your heart it going to stop from the boredom. My wife is meeting a friend for dinner, so that's one night I get out of the house for, but if anyone else is anywhere near there and wants to hit up an asian buffet or some other good restaurant, or just grab a burger, let me know in PM. All my irc peeps from TN moved away, so now I've got to make new ones.

Well, I live about an hour away from there, in a city called Woodbury. It is literally in the middle of nowhere as it's a fork that leads to larger cities, and the whole town is surrounded by mountainous areas and cattle ranches. One way goes to Atlanta, another goes to Columbus, third is LaGrange(And the state border), the fourth is Macon. Columbus and Atlanta are about the same travel time depending on traffic. Macon takes longer because of the side highways you have to go thru.

There's only 6 stores including gas stations and a grocery store so there's literally no place to work, and nothing to do here. I might just move out soon. I can't do anything I need to do here. :sad: 

What is this Bman Irc, BTW? I'm interested...

DragonBomber wrote:
What was the plan for this bomberman meetup before? I am most intrigued by this idea. lol
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Post#20  Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:08 pm  Reply with quote + 
Yeah DragonBomber, I'd agree. The best days of my life, the ones that I really enjoyed are long gone. I think things will get better once I get my mental life set. The civil war in my head is killing me.

And Ao Bomber, I have the same problem. I can see my ribcage as well. I've tried over-eating but I can't seem to gain much weight.
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