Here's a few I tried in Paint. They're both works in progress that I'm not sure I'll ever finish, but I figured I'd post 'em just for the heck of it. The second one's eventually gonna be a combo of all my favorite characters, but Bomberman's in there, so I think it still counts.
Also, is the way I posted them all right, or should I make 'em into links?
For MS-Paint that art is godly... though i must admit paint isn't bad for low colour pixle art, must have been usefull for programers in the win31 days.
Actually i tend to assume theres a much better pixle art program then ms-paint somewhere, just cause paint is still pretty baseline (small (easily accessable)palate, no layers, no animation features, and a few others) . Sadly most pro art programs (like photo shop) don't handle pixle art well at all (no pixle grid view, still poor animation features, bruses arn't made for pixle sizes, transform adds blurs which in small spaces looks horrible).
there was one i used to mess about with years ago, it was designed to make animated GIFs tho single frame images were obviosly also possible, to flaws tho, the first is i cant remember its name and the second was its for Mac OS 7