The question should be, who hasn't heard of Final Fantasy 7? I've heard so much about it that I end up making FF7 references in my writing when I haven't even played the darn thing. 8D
lol I'm something of a hypocrite when it coems to this series....
I used to really badmouth it when i hadn't even played them.
The only ones I've played seriously are Final Fantasy Tactics for PS whichi I beat and loved and Final Fantays Mystic Quest I also got really far in.
I have others and didn't really like them too too much.
I have the following games available to me
Final Fantays tacitcs (loved)
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (okay)
Final Fantasy 4 (chronicles version. okay didn't play much..)
Final Fantasy 7 (I originally bought it just to play through and prove to myself once and for all it wasn't that great a game and well i got about 6 hours in and quit. So well... I haven't really proved anything yet...)
Final Fantasy 1 and 2 on PS (the original is nifty but i haven't gotten that far. 2 i havent played.)
So yeah, overall i guess Final Fantasy is allright but I'm still of the opinion its highly overated..
I heard of it, but I've never played any Final Fantasy games before. I watched the FF7 movie, though (not of my own freewill however), and I probably would've enjoyed it more if I played the game...
I know it's popular lately to hate on FF7, but I was hating it before it was in. This game sucks, and if you think it has a good plot you are mistaken. They just throw around plot twists at you and once you hear one thing 5 minutes later the game tells you something different. I stopped caring after the 1,000,000th flashback. The major plot twist you mentioned is nothing more than a Luke, I am Your Father decades after it would have been suprising. Unless you're talking about THAT plot twist which I didn't give a damn about because she's just a generic RPG love interest.
The characters suck too, I think it's a bad thing that Red XII and Barrett have the most personality out of the entire cast (although not much still). All of the characters are common stereotypes that can be summed up in a few words:
Cloud - whiny psychotic pretty boy
Tifa - dumb chick with big boobs
Barrett - Samuel Jackson
Aeris - Rinoa, Yuna, Garnet
Red - wise, all-knowing pokemon reject
Cid - Pirate (note: Cid is not a real pirate)
Yuffie - stupid hyperactive girl
Hojo - dr. Frankenstein
the entire company of shinra - evil, money stealing corrupt enron republicans
And Sephiroth, the worst of all, has absolutely no personality. He's just an angsty Kefka, but not as likeable due to his total lack of character development. He just goes around killing people for no reason (other than he wants his mommy). What pisses me off the most about the game is that it was so revolutionary that all future RPGs had whiny angsty pretty boy protangonists and villians, melodramatic storylines and depressing soundtracks.
if it sucked so much, why was it voted as one of the greatest games in America at one point?
You could have cited that it was actually voted the Best.Game.Ever. by GameFAQs at one point (maybe multiple times, don't remember). Not that I agree with them.
Bagular wrote:
And Sephiroth killed people due to his beleif that he was an Acnient and the civilization of the planet were the ones who killed off the others.
Aeris WAS an Ancient, so in my opinion the killing was pretty random...not to mention HILARIOUS!
Bagular wrote:
If you actually woulda payed attention,you would possibly like it (last part is just a theory, pay no attention to it )
Actually I loved it the first time I played it. But that was when I was 12, and it was my 5th RPG ever (to put it in perspective, the first 4 were Pokemon Blue, Paper Mario, Pokemon Silver, and Chrono Cross, all games that I hate now and loved at the time) so I had nothing to compare it with.
I played it up to the huge materia mission in rocket town a few months ago and I found it to be almost as whiny and pretentious as Xenosaga. The only thing I could attribute this to is the fact that I've played vastly superior RPGs (FFT, CT) and all the other Final Fantasies from 4 up to X-2 (also XII for about 5 hours of struggling) and despite them being mostly worse than 7, I noticed that they seem to have the same sort of fetish for hitler-archetype pretty boys who like to kill millions of people for no reason. Examples:
Spoilers, so don't read if you don't want to ruin the storyline of a mediocre game.
IV: Zemus, ancient ugly wizard dude who hates humans because...? I still have respect for the game since Cecil is a badass and Zeromus isn't effeminate.
V: X-Death, ugly tree thing made of corpses, demons, and naked chicks, that wants to destroy the universe for absolutely no reason. Still, he looks like a badass.
VI: Kefka, the fruitiest FF character ever, yet he destroyed the world, and looks awesome doing it. Somehow, he's one of the most badass video game characters ever.
VIII: To be honest I lost interest once I found out it's another FFIV plot.
IX: I haven't played it in years, but I remember Kuja being an effeminate loser, the storyline being another cliched FF7-esque plot conveniently augmented by amnesia, and you fight a frickin' planet, which is always awesome.
X: Copy and paste story of VII and IX and replace Sephiroth and Cloud with Seymour and Tidus.
X-2: No comment.
XII: Downloaded the Japanese version. Didn't bother to try to understand it (I'll get it when it comes out here) but it's actually fun to play and the soundtrack rocks. The hero still looks like a chick, I couldn't tell him from his girlfriend if it weren't for the breasts.
Please excuse my excessive use of the word badass.
Regulus 777 wrote:
heh, best not to start an arguement with kuttlas.... he will win....
So why don't you each stick to your own opinions.
This forum isn't a place for arguements and I don't want it to be one. If I wanted to argue with someone I'd go to GameFAQs or IGN (go check out the Wii/PS3 boards at IGN for a good laugh) and get called a noob by a 13-year old fanboy. We've been lucky to get very few of them, and those who do show up get the ban hammer.
I think we're all mature enough here to handle an intelligent discussion without insulting each other.