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Japanese Bomberman-online is back
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Post#61  Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 4:57 am  Reply with quote + 
Well, Razon I think it has to be some reasons that they killed your ID from the ranking. NO, i don't hate you Razon i just wondering the 1st time i met you in BO was 2 weeks ago i think. The 1st day your high score was very low (). Then suddenly the next 2 days, when I got in I saw your rank was very high () and I suprised. How come you could do that in 2 days with bunch of score? Believe me, it's IMPOSSIBLE to have lots of win matches like that in 2 days, except you do that with another computer and keep winning without losing ever!! (Remember max point you got from 1 win is 300 in team match and 600 in single)
So well, please don't be upset because not only you have been removed from the rank list. The guy in no.1 (with 1 million points) also being kicked out.
That's all I want to say. I don't blame you for whatever you did. I just want to let you know that gently.
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Post#62  Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:24 am  Reply with quote + 
Well even so the person in third didn't get kicked, he should of been suspected of the same thing. Also I would of just prefered it they banned my account instead of leaving me with 0 points. I don't feel like it but I coudl just take it easy and make 20k a day but I bet they would still erase my score when I got high up there again, so I don't really see a point to it.
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Post#63  Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:06 am  Reply with quote + 
Razon wrote:
Well even so the person in third didn't get kicked, he should of been suspected of the same thing. Also I would of just prefered it they banned my account instead of leaving me with 0 points. I don't feel like it but I coudl just take it easy and make 20k a day but I bet they would still erase my score when I got high up there again, so I don't really see a point to it.

I think get banned and leave the account with 0 point is kind of the same thing. They wrote that down in their rules. Plus, I don't think they will erase your account again if you play well. They check the high score everyday (Win/Lose score also) so it makes sense if you win too much without losing. Believe me they won't do that if you get into that high score in a month or more but they'll do that if it's in 2 or 5 days.
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Post#64  Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:44 pm  Reply with quote + 
Razon wrote:
alexa999 wrote:
Japanese BmanOnline is back but you need a japanese OS? Why don't we just play korean since we have it? VMWare is a pain
For 4 good reasons, the korean one has those stupid coins and is also glitchy. Also the players suck and the new thing you need to install for mgame games causes my windows xp to crash when I do certin stuff. Also since I'm learning japanese its cool to talk to people, I'm highly ranked aswell.

The players suck? :shifty:  Razon, I believe the last time you played me (which was back on the old BMO Japan), you got owned. So please, let's not come with this "the players suck" as I know a lot of good people on there. Unless you mean they suck in a different kind of way.

Also, about your score getting reset, how did you make those points up so fast? :shifty: 

Anyway, until a patch comes out or something, I'll just stick with BMO Korea. :P
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Post#65  Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 4:57 am  Reply with quote + 
Ven wrote:
Razon wrote:
alexa999 wrote:
Japanese BmanOnline is back but you need a japanese OS? Why don't we just play korean since we have it? VMWare is a pain
For 4 good reasons, the korean one has those stupid coins and is also glitchy. Also the players suck and the new thing you need to install for mgame games causes my windows xp to crash when I do certin stuff. Also since I'm learning japanese its cool to talk to people, I'm highly ranked aswell.

The players suck? :shifty:  Razon, I believe the last time you played me (which was back on the old BMO Japan), you got owned. So please, let's not come with this "the players suck" as I know a lot of good people on there. Unless you mean they suck in a different kind of way.

Also, about your score getting reset, how did you make those points up so fast? :shifty: 

Anyway, until a patch comes out or something, I'll just stick with BMO Korea. :P
I don't really recall that event but I was probably out of practice since I was only playing now and then back then, my main playing time was like 3-4 years back, anytime after that was just play rarely and suck somewhat. Also not to mention that since the launch of the new one it had been well over a year since then no doubt, and I was back in full force again ranking in win after win in this new one. Though I could really care less that I lost all my points and stopped playing now, I've been busy with working on bmjmg1, around 1-3 hours a day learning japanese, anime & lots of other stuff. In a way I'm somewhat grateful now that they broke me off from it. So yes, I still stick to the conclusion that 95% of the people suck and can't stand up to me when I'm on my daily playing plan. Back in my main playing prime when I used to play with this big group of people that I met in the game everyday, I was only truly impressed by sesiri's skill. I stopped playing around the same time that he did, I may have played for a little bit longer but that was still the end of my real playing time. I came to learn of the bombermanboard soon before I quit thanks to someone I talked to, and well the rest is history with me currently hosting the board. I mastered the trick that increased my skill in a few hour period, it has to do with picturing yourself destroying the opponent in any possible situation in your head and having it just keep going where you keep winning. You also have to go to sleep thinking about it, you don't have to dream about it though. One other thing is the fact that if you can't manage to have it all come out perfect in your head under every situation and you get killed then you are going to suck that day. That only happened once or twice to me in the begginning before I got it down, also the thoughts aren't supposed to be about you just owning, they have to be about you overcoming every situation that you get put into. Not by your own thoughts that you think of but what is in your head that you've seen in the happen game, you have to let those situations flow in your head and you have to overcome them without being able to alter your enemys postion or anything they do. If you can picture it fully animated in your head, and win against it. Then it will effect your playing skill for the day, because you will know how to react when those situations come around. The one night years back that I dreamed all night about bman, the next day I was unbeatable online. So yeh, I'm not sure if only I can do this but thats a way to play better. Even though I don't play the new one anymore which I started doing it in, its still pretty interesting to think about what I managed to do just because I remembered dreaming about bman that one night and then using it as this idea. Of course if I played for a month straight my normal skill would get back to the way it was before and I'd be unstoppable mixed with this every single day that I play, but I'm done with it so it ends with my score getting taken out and I'm fine with that. I've had enough bman online for these past few years, better put just enough bman all together. Not much will really draw my interest once the anime has ended for it, I'll still continue to host the board despite my interest in it though. Unless of course everyone left, then I would probably shut it down after a little while.

Last edited by Razon on Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:46 am
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Post#66  Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:12 pm  Reply with quote + 
Um, nice rant. :hilarious:  Oh well, your point jump seemed way abnormal (almost on the verge of cheating), and that's why your points were erased.

Anyway, if you still claim that 'people suck' on BMO Korea then how about you sign in and play me sometime. Then you can put all your "thoughts" to work. :irritate: 
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Post#67  Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 3:41 pm  Reply with quote + 
Japanese bomberman is back?
It doesn't work without a patch, and there is no patch.

... Japanese bomberman ISN'T back. :cry: 
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Post#68  Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:54 pm  Reply with quote + 
its wrong to exclude people based on their race or postcode or language.
no patch is a shame although i will go through old cd's and find original patch for broomop. althoughi might patch it myself with a bit of help from the other furry bomber bears. -carebear

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Post#69  Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:58 pm  Reply with quote + 
really hope someone comes up with a patch...we're so bomberman-starved..
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Post#70  Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 10:41 am  Reply with quote + 
all i need is the damn bomberman one of the first manual byte patchers with a bombermanj.exe or just that will do because i forgot how i reversed the newer ones and that will help me. So when that day comes then ill help again because i don't have as much time as i used to.
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Post#71  Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:15 am  Reply with quote + 
Razon wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Razon wrote:
Hey momo, mind telling me what the news update is? Something about the 1000 cash you were given when you signed up. I don't really understand it.

Also you guys should quit lookin for a way around, in the past don't you remember that they would make updates all the time and sometime switch their method of doing it? Its just 100% easier if you just get a japanese operating system. No trouble from that point on.

If I put a japanese operating system I won't understand anything in my computer, that would be useless...

I'll be patient and wait for the solution. I know there will be one.
If you use the computer enough then you would know what it is even if you don't understand it + the fact that you can use both operating systems by just restarting and switching- but you would need something like partition magic, anyway you don't need to install it the normal way like I did on my laptop. You can use vmware and emulate it in a window, but I would say you need at the very least, 512MB Ram, 3GB space free and a 2GHZ processor. I run it on my desktop that way in window mode, though you can also go in fullscreen mode aswell. And if you need help getting through the install and what to do to get it running then I can help guide you through that, I've already helped guide someone else through it.

And I do not think there will be a fix at all, you do know that broomop couldn't manage to bypass the last update they made before they shut it down right? And since it uses the system_id thing which there is not enough known about it, there won't be a fix most likely. Also if you are on dialup don't bother since you can't even play right, not even with double the speed of dialup. I've tried when I was out from my cellphone.

Could you please help me? I've installed VMware, but I've got no idea how to use it. Please add me on msn messenger ([You must log in to view emails]) or aim (Fetaii). Thank you for your time and help.
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Post#72  Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 7:40 pm  Reply with quote + 
Use microsoft virtual pc 2004. Ive installed it and it works. SMALL and EASY to use.
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