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Is it possible to delete your account?
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Post#1  Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2023 12:26 am  Reply with quote + 
I have been considering deleting my account off and on for a few years now. I am still considering this and would like to know if there are any options. Not sure if this has ever been done here so I figured I'd ask.

If keeping posts/threads for others is a concern, perhaps just the good ol' ban hammer? Another site I used to use did that. They even changed the username to "FormerUser1" or something like that.

Anyway, let me know when you can. Thx.
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Post#2  Posted: Sat Dec 30, 2023 1:07 am  Reply with quote + 
Legato, you are a real one through and through. I don't interact much so you probably don't know me very well, but I've been a long time lurker on this site and I've adored your YouTube channel... specifically your music compilations. Best study music ever! And the anime subs, incredible important work.

I hope your life is so good and peaceful. I am training to be a Buddhist monk in the Pacific Northwest (irrelevant but so you know the diversity of your reach) I had honest tears fall down my face when I found out about your channel and read some of your IM messages about reevaluating your life.

Whatever your next steps are, I hope your future is bold and bright and beautiful.

Your efforts up until now were not wasted. Truly, you specifically, and the people on this site in general, are the best thing about this entire franchise... :sad:  thank you
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Post#3  Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 3:54 pm  Reply with quote + 
Thank you for the kind words. I do remember you APP! (Mostly for that scandalous avatar lol.)

Things took a strange trajectory after trouble with the channel. I knew I was tempting fate by uploading anime but I just didn't expect all the feelings that came with that. Maybe I'll write it all out here sometime.

Training to become a Buddhist monk sounds really awesome. I've read a little about Buddha and enlightenment and detachment of everything. It's so surreal but sounds so liberating at the same time. I wish you a lot of success and well being with that.

I appreciate you my friend. It's hard to imagine others being saddened by me not doing the channel anymore. I do think of the regular commenters and the stuff it offered. I will have to muse on what a better option could be, although I do have to keep moving forward with what I've started.
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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#4  Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 4:17 pm  Reply with quote + 
Honestly I'm still bummed your channel got nuked, lol. To me it (and the other work you've done collecting bomberphernalia) was a significance piece of fandom history/endeavor, right up there with Ragey's Bomberman shrine. It just represented a lot of history and love, y'know? It was a resource for both old and new fans.

I'd be sad to see you go from these forums too. But one must always do what's best for oneself!

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