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(After you researched) Presidential candidate you like?
Ron Paul
 71%  [ 5 ]
Newt Gingrinch
 0%  [ 0 ]
Mitt Romney
 0%  [ 0 ]
Barrack Obama
 14%  [ 1 ]
Someone else?
 14%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes: 7

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Regulus 777

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Post#1  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:41 am  Reply with quote + 
Good Evening Gentlemen! I was wondering if anyone here had any interest in politics? Particularly the American Presidential election coming up next year. I've been following the Republican GOP nominations somewhat the past few months and I'm a huge fan of Ron Paul and am supporting him.

If you aren't familiar with him check him out, see what he has to say, and let me what you think.

He basically wants to cut government power and spending big time so we can be more free and restore our terrible economy.

Thoughts? Even if you don't live here and would like to voice opinions about your own issues. I'll try to check it out and give you feedback as well on your issues!

How to vote in Republican GOP Nomination in America if you're interested!
I'd implore everyone in America to really give this some thought.

Last edited by Regulus 777 on Wed Jan 04, 2012 1:47 pm
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Post#2  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:43 am  Reply with quote + 
I tend to avoid politics, I don't want to spend the time that would be required to have an educated opinion.
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Post#3  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:39 am  Reply with quote + 
I'm avoiding politics until I have the time to give a damn. Not to say I truly don't care about it, but just that my own projects and school are right now more important. I'll worry about Politics when I'm 20. It'll be a grim birthday, I'm sure.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#4  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:56 am  Reply with quote + 
Warning: I was very tired when I wrote this.

[Collapse Text]
I guess I should probably take some time to look into these fellows? I have neglected to participate in a single election before, local or presidential or whatever.

Worst citizen! < That is me.

Anyway. I kind of doubt the power of the presidency anymore, what with Congress the way that it is. It is like if the Three Stooges were like the 535 Stooges, and they were split into opposing teams.

Ok, so that is one way of looking at it. Another way of looking at it is this: The only way that an individual can rise up and take one of these seats is if he or she subscribes fully to his or her party's doctrines. They can't stray for any reason, even for situationally appropriate reasons, or they're not coming back. So you've got all of these old dudes conforming to one singular way of thinking. And whichever party you choose (come on don't joke me, there really are only two of them in this country), their doctrine has pretty much become a laundry list of things that they hate about the other party's doctrine that need to be prevented or changed. When they vote - if they vote - if they are even in freaking attendance! - they are just engaging in a massive war of cockblocking, pissing on each other and slinging their adult diapers around as urine-soaking shields (the diapers are full of bullshit, just to complete the analogy).

Our Congress needs to take a lesson from Ukraine and South Korea and just duke it out. Then put it on television in order to both educate and entertain the American masses.[/satire]

I guess I have waited kind of late to reply to this topic because it is approaching 2:00 AM and I am kind of tired. But maybe my sentiments have been conveyed in some twisted way? I guess what I'm saying is, I don't think that we can get anything done with the vast majority of these assclowns in office. And I don't think that we can get anything done by electing new people because they have to fit the mold that those assclowns built for them. When they do something helpful, it is usually not because they have truly agreed on something... it is more likely due to the miracle of accident. At least, that is how it seems to me.

Once our politicians start to focus on citizens' needs and not their own wants, on the people and not on the parties, then perhaps I will not be so apathetic about politics. But until then I think that everybody just needs to cool down and realize that, just like psychological theories, party goals are not always mutually exclusive!

But right now, yeah... my hope for this country is slowly disappearing, probably being pulled into the massive black hole that is our national debt.

[Collapse Text]
I am not blaming any one individual in particular, especially not the president, whom I just sort of feel sorry for.
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Soniti 254

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Post#5  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 6:47 am  Reply with quote + 
Sounds like you may like Ron Paul, plasm. He is one of the most consistent politicians I've ever seen. Ron Paul's is a constitutionalist, he sticks to the Constitution no matter what and is the one guy who will vote against something if it's against it, even if no one else does.

I used to not really care about politics either, but after doing some research (particularly the things Obama has done with his presidency), I'm just incredibly disgusted with him as a president. He particularly does whatever he wants, even if it's completely against the Constitution (like that whole incident were he had someone killed simply because they thought he was a terrorist without any proof whatsoever). I don't want someone like that in charge. That's exactly the reason why the Constitution was created in the first place, to prevent this kind of stuff from happening.

I lightly follow this stuff and honestly, all of the other "candidates" are complete jokes compared to Ron Paul. Ron Paul is the only one who make can some serious changes and yet he's treated so unfairly by the media because they know he is dead serious and will make some serious much-needed changes to how things are.

TL;DR - Ron Paul FTW
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

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Plasma Bomber
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Post#6  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:14 pm  Reply with quote + 
Oh really? That is two votes for Ron Paul now? Now I am curious. I'm going to have to look into this guy and see what he's all about!

Soniti 254 wrote:
like that whole incident were he had someone killed simply because they thought he was a terrorist without any proof whatsoever

I vaguely recall hearing something about this but I was not aware that it had actually happened! Holy crap. Yeah, that's really bad.
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Regulus 777

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Post#7  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:34 pm  Reply with quote + 
Yeah, that's basically what The Patriot Act is. It let's the president kill whoever he wants if he suspects them of terrorism without a trial. Not very patriotic is it?

I read somewhere online someone wrote "When a President can kill whoever he wants, he is no longer a president, he's a king."

I couldn't of put it any better myself!

I agree with almost everything you say though plasm! Most of the people running our country our clowns who don't give a shit about us, but at the same time we elected them. Unfortunately there's a lot of people in this country that vote for people blindly without knowing shit about them. This video from the 2008 election is a fantastic example....

So really a lot of the time we have problems in this country is cause the people in our country can't make good decisions.

Anyway, there are a few folks here and there who are really out to help us, not many but a few. we gotta somehow get them all elected to make our lives better.

Should Ron Paul win the presidency our current congress would definitely give him hell but Ron Paul will basically veto everything that's unconstitutional and everything that will increase government spending. He's determined to fix this economy by making massive cuts to government spending.

Our current government with the federal reserve can just print up money whenever they need it for their oversees meddling with other countries and other nonsense. Which in turn devalues our dollar and that's why prices on everything have been going up and up and we're all going broke. Ron Paul also wants to put an end to all that. He wants to at least audit the federal reserve and publish the results so America can know what this money is being printed and used for. Then we can judge for ourselves.

People are getting fed up with it and starting to realize that this election is gonna be really important.

I'm also gonna add a nice instructional video for people that would like to learn how to vote for people in this country that i found on youtube. It'll also be in my first post.
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Post#8  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:00 pm  Reply with quote + 
Regulus 777 wrote:

So really a lot of the time we have problems in this country is cause the people in our country can't make good decisions.

This made my brain hurt. These people hardly know anything about who they vote for and yet they continue to vote blindly. I don't understand why they feel such a strong need to vote yet don't bother to learn any information about the people they're choosing to run their country and their own lives. It's truly pathetic. It is quite irritating to know that these ignorant fools make up the vast majority and thus possess more voting power in order to make stupid decisions that effect the rest of us who actually think about who we're voting for and why.

It's like some kid not studying before a test because they know it's multiple choice, allowing them to guess their way through it. I myself will never vote for anyone until I learn everything that there is to know about each and every one of the candidates. I can't expect myself to resolve the problems of this country without having a proper understanding of these problems and the effects of each possible solution. (aka the different candidates) I don't know why most people think otherwise.

Now I need to lay down. I was not joking when I said it made my brain hurt.
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Soniti 254

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Post#9  Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:54 pm  Reply with quote + 
Regulus 777 wrote:
Unfortunately there's a lot of people in this country that vote for people blindly without knowing shit about them. This video from the 2008 election is a fantastic example....

So really a lot of the time we have problems in this country is cause the people in our country can't make good decisions.

That video was painful to watch, but it made the second part so much sweeter in return.

Regulus777 wrote:
Should Ron Paul win the presidency our current congress would definitely give him hell but Ron Paul will basically veto everything that's unconstitutional and everything that will increase government spending. He's determined to fix this economy by making massive cuts to government spending.

Our current government with the federal reserve can just print up money whenever they need it for their oversees meddling with other countries and other nonsense. Which in turn devalues our dollar and that's why prices on everything have been going up and up and we're all going broke. Ron Paul also wants to put an end to all that. He wants to at least audit the federal reserve and publish the results so America can know what this money is being printed and used for. Then we can judge for ourselves.

People are getting fed up with it and starting to realize that this election is gonna be really important.

Yeah, I think this will be one of the most important elections we'll have in a long time. The US of A is in quite an economic crisis right now. We are trillions of dollars in debt because of all this stupid stuff the higher-ups have been doing (this fruitless "war against terror" (we already killed Osama Bin Laden, what reason are our soldiers still out there for?), giving money to Israel (for one they aren't a third-world country and can take care of themselves, and two what money? Monopoly money?), amongst many others). Plus there's Obama, whose basically one of the worst presidents we've ever had ("We're in debt? Just print more money!" "I think this guy is a terrorist, and based entirely on that, I want him dead!").

Regulus wrote:
I'm also gonna add a nice instructional video for people that would like to learn how to vote for people in this country that i found on youtube. It'll also be in my first post.

Very informative video and gave me a better understanding about how this stuff works. Thanks.
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

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Post#10  Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 12:29 pm  Reply with quote + 
Obviously this is a highly external view of your political setup:

UK media coverage on Obama pretty much died after his botched attempt at state healthcare. We have it, its called the NHS and its excellent. We were hoping for your sake he might have been able to set up an equivalent but overall, it illustrated that your presidents in comparison to other world leaders, don't wield very much power. Makes me think of a line from hitchhikers in relation to Zaphod Beeblebrox's presidency. 'Not actually to wield power, but to draw attention away from it'.

I'm of the opinion that Obama was handed a poison chalice. Its been the case with every major first world country (with exception of Germany who saved intelligently over the past one and a half decades of boom). Everyone is in debt, not just the US and Quantitative easing (printing more money) was the only short term solution to it all. Every incumbent government (with exception of Germany) during the start of the recession relied on it as a result of putting popularity and re-election chances ahead of the initial necessary cuts, in our case we only started dealing with it properly when the new Conservative/Liberal-Democrat coalition came into office, and in your case, it seems it will also take a general election to get the process moving.
I hazard a guess that John McCain wouldn't have done things any better

I'm very interested to see how you guys deal with this and what the overall public reaction to cuts will be, in-particular from those that are put out of work.
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Regulus 777

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Post#11  Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:57 pm  Reply with quote + 
Hello again folks! I've still been following the Republican nominations pretty closely and with only Ron Paul and Mitt Romney still running its been getting pretty interesting.

Romney is ahead in delegates which are the people that vote for a candidate at the Republican convention later this year. You need a majority of 1144 to win the nomination outright, but no one has that yet. If it stays that way there will be a brokered convention where delegates that were bound to vote for a particular candidate by their state's primaries on the first round of voting will released for further rounds of voting and will be able to vote their conscious.
This here is probably the closest representation of delegates right now but it's still probably off. and I know for a fact that many of Santorum's (who has suspended his campaign) delegates will switch to Paul once released and even a good chunk of Gingrinch's (whose campaign is pretty much over as well, he's out of money) and even Romney's own delegates because Ron Paul supporters go to the state caucuses to elect the delegates.

With that in mind Ron Paul could very well have 400-500 right now and Romney less then 800, a lot of this depends on the uncommitted people who will vote by personal preference, and I have a feeling Paul has a lot of those too. Based on a lot of the Caucus results I read about.

So I think if we can keep Romney from reaching the threshold of 1144 Ron Paul could very well win the nomination.

He just needs to do well in the remaining 10ish states that haven't voted yet. Especially the California and Texas primaries which both have a large number of delegates at stake.

Anyway I just wanted to get the word out there and if you guys would be generous enough I'm trying to get people to sign this petition online that requests CNN or some other news outlet hold one more debate between the 2 remaining candidates. This would give Ron Paul a chance to get his message out to everyone else since he'd have much more time to speak and clearly explain his views then he did in previous debates where he hardly got any time at all in some of them.
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