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TSA Told Through Twitter
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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#1  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:01 am  Reply with quote + 
So, somehow a conversation with my friend about a certain story peculiarity in Bomberman Tournament ended up spawning the idea of retelling the story of TSA as a series of tweets. IDEK, you guys. It's like half "actual" events and half interwebby stuff. Wish I could write actual prose but this is better than nothing.



shirobonbon Heading home from Ksa2, boo. Got this yummy-looking egg though. Maybe I can fry it?

shirobonbon WAIT WHAT A BLACK HOLE?! FML!!!!!!11

shirobonbon is now in jail. Even though he didn't do anything wrong.

shirobonbon Also, I guess I'm now friends with this...thing...named Pommy.

creampuffmimic "pommy" is a better name than "bomberman"!!!

shirobonbon Gonna go find a way out of this hellhole now...


shirobonbon also met some flaming weirdo BUT WHO CARES, CUTE CHICK :awesomeface:

spacelily @shirobonbon You look interesting & helpful. Gonna follow you on here, k? ;)

shirobonbon @spacelily Oh sure thing!

shirobonbon @spacelily BTW you didn't see the last two tweets I just posted on here, lol.

spacelily @shirobonbon ...okay? XD

shirobonbon OH HEY you wouldn't happen to know who @genocidegoddess is? They followed me almost at the same time you did.

spacelily @shirobonbon No, sorry. Must be coincidence!

shirobonbon beat up some machines and hijacked a plane! (An empty one, admittedly, but...)

creampuffmimic is scared of Bomberman's flying.

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic Oh, like YOU could do any better!


darkmessenger O RLY? RT @crimsonflame was defeated by some dude named Bomberman. Sorry peeps!

lordofthefrozenwastes @darkmessenger NO WAI!

darkmessenger @lordofthefrozenwastes SRSLY!

mistressofthestorm is not surprised.

ragingearth can't get the hang of this "tweeting" thing. why's it called tweeting anyway and not "twitting"?

purifyinglight laughs at @ragingearth's misfortune.

ragingearth you kids these days with your twitter and facespace and mybook!!!!

purifyinglight RTe @crimsonflame was thoroughly and pathetically owned by some douchebag named Bomberman. #bomberdouche

mistressofthestorm @purifyinglight great choice for the hashtag name!

blackbreath didn't realize that Bomberman was on Twitter...wondering what his username is...

darkmessenger is annoyed but optimistic.


shirobonbon Hey what the frag is up with the top-trending topic on Twitter right now?! I AM NOT A DOUCHE!

spacelily @shirobonbon Yeah um the BHB Army is after you now cuz you defeated Baelfael. Be careful. D:

spacelily @shirobonbon And no you're not a douche, you're very sweet.

shirobonbon @spacelily Awww, thanks!

shirobonbon gonna go rickroll some muthafuggahz now, brb. Or should that be "bhb"? HAHAHAHAHA I kill me.

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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#2  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:05 am  Reply with quote + 

creampuffmimic is on a very pretty ocean planet right now!

shirobonbon hopes he won't have to swim.

shirobonbon also hopes he won't be FROZEN TO DEATH by this Mr. Freeze wannabe!

creampuffmimic @shirobonbon get off twitter and fight!

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic Easy for YOU to say!

spacelily @shirobonbon Did you find any more Elemental Stones?

shirobonbon @spacelily Yeah, why?

spacelily @shirobonbon Just wondering. Guess you should keep them for now. But remember to catch 'em all!

creampuffmimic wanted to make a wish at the fountain! But @shirobonbon was stupid and blew it up!

shirobonbon wants to drown a certain living marshmallow...


darkmessenger But won't you melt? RT @lordofthefrozenwastes Frag all this, I'm going to the Bahamas. Smell y'all later.

purifyinglight thinks that men can't do anything right.

ragingearth @purifyinglight FAIL.

purifyinglight @ragingearth NO U

ragingearth @purifyinglight

purifyinglight @ragingearth Puhleeze! Ceiling Cat is SO 2006. Get with the program, old man!

lordofthewinds @ragingearth @purifyinglight STFU both of you. ill deal with bomberbutt.

mistressofthestorm @lordofthewinds Awww, I wanted to play with him. :(

purifyinglight maybe ashy boy is up for a threesome?

lordofthewinds @purifyinglight wait wtf??? NO!

darkmessenger Soon I will reclaim my earthly body, locked away all these centuries...

darkmessenger Then, the universe will once again be shrouded in darkness!

darkmessenger It'll be totally rad! I hate all this energy saving fluorescent lightbulb shit, it kills my eyes!

lordofthewinds @darkmessenger d00d, stop posting all these cryptic tweets, lololol

darkmessenger @lordofthewinds Don't make me block you.

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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#3  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:09 am  Reply with quote + 

shirobonbon is wondering how all these chunky stone platforms are just floating in the air.

shirobonbon Is there a source of unobtainium nearby or something?

creampuffmimic doesn't want to fall...

shirobonbon ohddfrag just got bgitetn by snake craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaap

shirobonbon is better now, but may have rabies because Pommy bit him.

creampuffmimic @shirobonbon Blech!

shirobonbon OMFG if that asshole weren't already dead I woulda killed him!

shirobonbon In fact, I don't care that he's dead. I'M GOING TO KILL HIM ANYWAY!!!!!

shirobonbon is gleefully beating a dead horse...or a dead Astral Knight as the case may be.

spacelily @shirobonbon What's wrong? :(



darkmessenger Isn't that kind of an oxymoron? RT @lordofthewinds uhhh...brb 4ever.

purifyinglight @darkmessenger Emphasis on "moron."

purifyinglight @darkmessenger Is this Bomberman really that strong?

blackbreath @purifyinglight Yes.

purifyinglight @blackbreath ...can I make an overused joke about his power levels?

blackbreath @purifyinglight No.

purifyinglight thinks Bulzeeb is a party-pooper.


mistressofthestorm @darkmessenger I can do it, dearest Master Rukifellth, if he doesn't visit Molok first.

blackbreath @mistressofthestorm I'll try to say one nice thing about you at your funeral.

purifyinglight is now utterly convinced that Bulzeeb is a party-pooper.

mistressofthestorm Why is @blackbreath so convinced about how strong Bomberman is, anyway?

blackbreath @mistressofthestorm Call it warrior's intuition.

blackbreath @mistressofthestorm It's certainly not like I invaded his home world a few years ago with a bunch of my homeboys and got my ass kicked by him.

blackbreath @mistressofthestorm And it's not like my ego was so shattered by the incident that I have since vowed eternal revenge on Bomberman's soul

blackbreath @mistressofthestorm even going so far as to pretend to work for the god of pure evil just because I could get an awesome shiny thing

blackbreath @mistressofthestorm that would give me EXTREME POWERZ OF DARKNESS made with REAL SHADOWS so I could finally pwn him when I found him again.

blackbreath @mistressofthestorm Because that would just be silly.

mistressofthestorm @blackbreath Ttly.


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Post#4  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 8:42 am  Reply with quote + 
Oh wow. This is the best thing. :hilarious: 

This continues, right? I hope it does!
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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#5  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:11 am  Reply with quote + 

creampuffmimic wants to try the slot machines!

shirobonbon wants to know where @creampuffmimic is going to get the money for that.

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic I bet you're not even old enough to gamble!

shirobonbon says hello to @mistressofthestorm! Nice to meet you. :)

mistressofthestorm @shirobonbon Thanks for welcoming me! I hope to get to know you better. ^_^

spacelily @shirobonbon Um...I don't think you should be friends with her. DM'd you for reason.

creampuffmimic @spacelily Pommy wants to know why too!

shirobonbon @mistressofthestorm So, uh, hey...can we talk again? Like, in person?

mistressofthestorm @shirobonbon Sure! Meet me in the auditorium. ;D

spacelily Nursing some electrical burns and a bit of a headache. Ow. Also a little confused about what's going on.

shirobonbon is a little depressed that he had to block someone from here...

shirobonbon @spacelily You and me both, sister.

spacelily @shirobonbon Wanna go down to the bar later?

shirobonbon @spacelily DO I EVER!

creampuffmimic just swiped a deck of cards from the casino store, w00t!


darkmessenger RT @mistressofthestorm That stupid b***h Lilith always ruins everything! Going on indefinite hiatus, I can't deal with this.

darkmessenger Hmm...what do you think, guys, is Bomberman gonna make it this far?

darkmessenger Not that it really matters, since I'm going to pwn his ass anyway, LOL.

darkmessenger And FYI @genocidegoddess, I know who you REALLY are, so check yo'self 'fore you wreck yo'self!!!!

darkmessenger MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am made of awesome.

darkmessenger Hey, where is everyone? Why is my Twitter page so quiet?


shirobonbon vows to never again be so drunk as to agree to play strip poker with a...thing...that's already technically naked.

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Regulus 777

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Post#6  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:15 am  Reply with quote + 
Ha ha, I thoroughly enjoyed this! Looking forward to more Sora.
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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#7  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 9:17 am  Reply with quote + 

shirobonbon Let's get some Nelly up in herre!

creampuffmimic hates that rap crap, can we go back to Aquanet?

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic Quit yer whining and man up, marshmallow.

shirobonbon This is totally where we are right now.


shirobonbon If I were human I would ttly be this. Srsly.


shirobonbon *shakes indignant fist at the old geezer who introduced him to TVTropes*

spacelily @shirobonbon Have some pictures of cute things instead.

shirobonbon @spacelily *emits manly squee* Thanks!

shirobonbon @spacelily ...except, crap, now I'm trapped on CO instead!

spacelily @shirobonbon :( Sorry?

creampuffmimic Dying of heatstroke. Pommy will sue Bomberman if Pommy dies!

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic You can't sue me if you're dead, you spleenweasel.


darkmessenger Just got an FB wallpost from @ragingearth saying that he forgot his password to his Twitter & to the e-mail account he used to sign up to Twitter with.

darkmessenger So now he can't sign in here and he doesn't want to sign up for a new account. Sigh.

purifyinglight @darkmessenger Don't worry, I'm still here~! ^_^

blackbreath @darkmessenger Same here.

blackbreath @darkmessenger Hey, just DM'd you about a

darkmessenger @blackbreath Got your DM. Don't worry about her, she can't do much with just a sockpuppet account.

purifyinglight @darkmessenger I think me and Bulzeeb should crash at your place for a while. I can bring booze while we wait for Bomberdouche!

darkmessenger @purifyinglight Bad idea – it's a total mess in here. Besides, the situation isn't that drastic.

blackbreath @darkmessenger You've just lost five of your seven Astral Knights, how is that not drastic?!

darkmessenger @blackbreath >D!!!!!

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Soniti 254

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Post#8  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:00 am  Reply with quote + 
I lol'ed. Hard.
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Duke Serkol

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Post#9  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:28 pm  Reply with quote + 
Sora G. Silverwind wrote:
shirobonbon vows to never again be so drunk as to agree to play strip poker with a...thing...that's already technically naked.

But unless you count the belt, doesn't that go for Bomberman as well?

Ah wait though... by that time in the game, he probably does have some bits of armor on :wink: 

Anyway, this is great, keep it up! :veryhappy: 
Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#10  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:48 pm  Reply with quote + 

creampuffmimic Just arrived on Epikyur! Pommy wants to try the roller coasters!

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic Didn't you say back on Horizon that you hated heights?

creampuffmimic @shirobonbon Roller coasters are different! Because they're fun!


shirobonbon Last I checked, haunted houses aren't supposed to actually try to KILL you!

shirobonbon What is this, The Shining or something?

shirobonbon BTW does No OSHA Compliance apply to roller coasters too? Cuz I think Epikyur's roller coaster definitely qualifies. OW.

creampuffmimic doesn't want to be stuffed!

creampuffmimic also thinks Bomberman is having TOO much fun being beat up by Zoniha.

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic What is THAT supposed to mean?!

creampuffmimic @shirobonbon GET OFF TWITTER AND KEEP FIGHTING, MYU

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic I'M NOT ALIVE IF I'M NOT ON TWITTER

blackbreath @shirobonbon Hey there. ;D

shirobonbon @blackbreath Okay, I've been ignoring your tweets to me until now, but you are getting REALLY stalker creepy.

shirobonbon @blackbreath So just WHO THE FRAG ARE YOU???

shirobonbon @blackbreath And if you say "your worst nightmare" I'm going to make a pencil disappear.

blackbreath @shirobonbon DM'd. ;P

shirobonbon ...AW HALE NAW

shirobonbon is off to report @blackbreath to the site admins for harassment.

blackbreath @shirobonbon I'll still see you on Thantos~

shirobonbon Light Bombs = most useless bombs EVAR. I can't even BLIND people with them, what's up with that???

shirobonbon Yeah, they stop things from moving but it only works on certain platforms! Fail fail fail.

creampuffmimic wants cotton candy.

shirobonbon Bah. I wish Lilith were here...where is she, anyway?

spacelily @shirobonbon Sorry! A rabid crocogator ate my phone and I had to go buy a new one. The prices are ridiculous in this black hole economy!


darkmessenger Bulzeeb, you ignorant slut! Why didn't you just give yourself over to me if you wanted so much more???

darkmessenger ...just realized that his previous tweet could be taken in entirely wrong ways.


darkmessenger Also, time to bring the Noah to the shop for routine maintenance, especially since Bomberman is likely to come here soon.

darkmessenger And where'd all my maids go? This place is dirtier than Zoniha's mind!

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Post#11  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:52 pm  Reply with quote + 
Sora G. Silverwind wrote:
shirobonbon Light Bombs = most useless bombs EVAR. I can't even BLIND people with them, what's up with that???

shirobonbon Yeah, they stop things from moving but it only works on certain platforms! Fail fail fail.

loool this one agrees ;P

Sora G. Silverwind wrote:
darkmessenger And where'd all my maids go? This place is dirtier than Zoniha's mind!

XD I question your version of Zoniha sometimes >.>
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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#12  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:53 pm  Reply with quote + 

shirobonbon My Player's Guide calls Thantos the "Prison Planet", but it's more like the Ghetto Planet, amirite?

shirobonbon You know a place is bad when a bomber like me feels like he's not packing enough heat for this crap.

shirobonbon Just stole a motorcycle off some mohawked jackass, haha! CAN YOU FEEL THE RAAAAWWWK?

shirobonbon Off breaking a couple of speed limits, brb.

shirobonbon Crap! Felt bad cuz I almost ran over some dark guy in the street. Then I realized it was Regulzeeb and now I feel even worse for NOT running him over.

shirobonbon Now I'm hiding in...wait, guess I'd better not tweet that. @spacelily, can you help a brotha out here?

spacelily @shirobonbon On my way!

shirobonbon is thankful for @spacelily's help, but wishes she would've let him get one more crotchpunch in on the guy.

spacelily @shirobonbon Whoops, sorry?

spacelily @shirobonbon Also, um, yeah. Sorry know...not telling you about the @genocidegoddess thing.

spacelily @shirobonbon I guess I should've said something earlier but I felt a little...silly.

spacelily @shirobonbon Don't worry though, I'll still be around on this account. ;D

spacelily @shirobonbon Not planning on moving anytime soon! GG is a stealth account for serious spy purposes only. ^_^

creampuffmimic thinks that this is getting complicated. Where's a flowchart when you need it?

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic

creampuffmimic @shirobonbon OH SNAP!


darkmessenger is so excited, OMG OMG OMG OMG!

darkmessenger Theme song of the moment: Andrew W.K.'s "Ready to Die"

darkmessenger So catchy~

darkmessenger Or maybe I should sing the Doom Song instead.

darkmessenger Doom doom doom doom doomy doom doomy doom doom doom doom~

darkmessenger Ahhh dammit, I wish Bomberman would get here soon, I'm so bored. Maybe I'll stalk his Twitter account for a while.

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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#13  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 6:14 pm  Reply with quote + 
Warship Noah

shirobonbon On the Warship Noah, baby! Let's ride this thing to infinity and beyond!


shirobonbon Hey, wait, what happened to @spacelily's account? Did Twitter burp again?

shirobonbon I haven't lost any of the other people I'm following...

genocidegoddess @shirobonbon I have deactivated @spacelily. The account was no longer necessary.

shirobonbon @genocidegoddess What did you do with her?!

genocidegoddess @shirobonbon Lilith is merely taking a hiatus from the internets.

creampuffmimic @genocidegoddess Lilith is still in there! POMMY BELIEVES IN LILITH!


shirobonbon Psh, well, THAT was a pretty quick flounce. THAT'S RIGHT, YOU RUN AWAY LIKE THAT.

shirobonbon Off to find Ruk now.

shirobonbon Except, um...I think he found ME already. Crap.

blackbreath @shirobonbon Be careful, Ruk haxxed my account! I won't be able to tweet for much lo

shirobonbon is glad that @blackbreath is finally gone.

darkmessenger @shirobonbon I challenge you to a CHILDREN'S CARD GAME!

shirobonbon @darkmessenger Sorry, not really into TCG. Wanna boot up SCIV instead?

darkmessenger @shirobonbon Fine, but I call dibs on Kilik.

shirobonbon @darkmessenger WUSS, you gonna go with a spammer like him? I'mma beat your ass with Talim!

shirobonbon @darkmessenger First to three wins, LET'S GO!

darkmessenger gonna slink away in shame now...

shirobonbon HAHAHAHA! Flawless victory, THREE TIMES IN A ROW! I am God.

demonofthedark just joined Twitter! But he is displeased at the ridiculously cheery bright blue default layout.

demonofthedark Dude this chick's hot, I'll use her as my Twitter BG: Will figure out colors later.

demonofthedark What do you guys think?

shirobonbon @demonofthedark LOL your layout sux.

shirobonbon @demonofthedark Tiled backgrounds like that went out even when they were in, BACK IN THE 90s.

shirobonbon @ddemonofthedark Why don't you add custom cursors, embed MIDIs, and code up a blinking marquee while you're at it? LOLOL.


genocidegoddess @demonofthedark Been looking all over for you! Let's set up a joint Twitter account.

demonofthedark @genocidegoddess HELL NO!

genocidegoddess @demonofthedark Too late, already made it: @angelofthevoid.

genocidegoddess @demonofthedark Also reported you to Twitter, have fun getting banned. ;D

shirobonbon is a little disturbed at how cheery @genocidegoddess sounds.

shirobonbon I'm gonna get while the gettin's good.

creampuffmimic has to use the bathroom...

angelofthevoid @shirobonbon Y HELO THAR!

shirobonbon FML x9000.

angelofthevoid @shirobonbon friended u on FB too, btw. if u want 2 save this universe, beat my high score on bejeweled blitz. ;)

shirobonbon @angelofthevoid I make it a personal habit NOT to get sucked into Facebook games.

shirobonbon @angelofthevoid OKAY FINE FINE I'LL PLAY IT, JUST LEAVE TWITTER ALONE!!!

shirobonbon always feels sad whenever he sees the Twitter Failwhale in his browser window.

shirobonbon @angelofthevoid Beat it! Now beat it! By which I mean, go the frag away.

angelofthevoid @shirobonbon k, lol. u beat me fair & square. BUT if some1 else takes the high score YOU WILL ANSWER TO ME.

shirobonbon just wants to go home already.

spacelily is finally back! What'd I miss, guys?

shirobonbon @spacelily I'm not sure, but I think I just saved the world through Twitter and Facebook.

darkmessenger @spacelily hey hotness ;D wanna get drinks?

spacelily @darkmessenger Screw off, I'm still mad at you for the whole Kaos thing!

spacelily @darkmessenger Though it's good to see you again.

spacelily @darkmessenger BUT I'M STILL MAD AT YOU.

darkmessenger @spacelily at least I tried.

darkmessenger oh yah n thanx 4 saving the world, @shirobonbon!!!

shirobonbon @darkmessenger Screw you too.

creampuffmimic wonders why he never gets the girl.

shirobonbon @creampuffmimic For starters, you're the wrong species.

creampuffmimic @shirobonbon So is Bomberman!

shirobonbon .................

shirobonbon @darkmessenger Hey Ruk, mind if I take you up on that drinks offer instead?

END because I don't feel like writing up the bits with the Elemental Knights, lol.

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Soniti 254

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Post#14  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:47 pm  Reply with quote + 
You should totally make this stuff real Twitter accounts and posts. XD

It'd be pure awesome.
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Sora G. Silverwind

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Post#15  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:51 pm  Reply with quote + 
Soniti 254 wrote:
You should totally make this stuff real Twitter accounts and posts. XD

It'd be pure awesome.

I almost wanted to add little usericons, but just coding the bold and such was a pain in the ass. XD I wish I could've done it Facebook-style...

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