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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Artwork Section
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From Topic: Razon's Random Art Room
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Plasma Bomber
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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Post#4  Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:30 pm  Reply with quote + 
The thing that I notice with these brush paintings of yours is that you sort of evoke emotion with them... What I mean is, for example with the "Volcanic" one; as you said it is too close up to clearly see that it is a volcanic eruption, but still you managed to capture the intensity of the explosion, and between the vibrant "hot" colors and the smoke, one should be able to tell what this is supposed to be (even if the viewer doesn't get that it's a volcano, it is clearly something very hot and liquid-based; without the title defining it as an eruption I suppose one may see it to be magma flowing downward, but there is defnitely movement and intensity in the piece).
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