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Razon's Random Art Room
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Post#1  Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 5:34 pm  Reply with quote + 
It's not often but I do occasionally make art that's not for a game, I'll kick start my topic and post a few of them.

Single Brush Style
(02-05-10) Moonlight Shore - Link
Time Spent: 1:30 - Done with a single brush and brush size, soft paint style.

(05-04-10) Volcanic Erupture (Closeup) - v2.1 less red, v2 more red, v1, v0
Time Spent: 0:30 - Single brush, drawing that strayed from concept- slightly closeup.

Regular Style
(02-11-10) Starlight Ocean - Link
Time Spent: 3:00 - No comment.

Miscellaneous Art
(12-14-08) Paper Mario TTYD Logo - Link, Comparison
Time Spent: 20:00 - Cloned the logo near exact, didn't bother to fully match it.

Most all of my art experience is w/mouse digital only, instead of with pencils or other physical tools. My main area is programming, but I've gained skills to a certain point in all areas so it's easier to fully manage the process of game development and the like.

Last edited by Razon on Tue Oct 18, 2011 6:00 am
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#2  Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 6:30 pm  Reply with quote + 
I can't decide which night picture I like better... "Starlight" is so clear and crisp, it has that vast, endless feel to it, like when you look up at the night sky and see how all the stars and planets are out there, at unfathomable distances away, and knowing how countless years ago someone was standing there looking at the same sky... The ocean has a similar feel to it; maybe that's why you put them together? Or maybe I'm just reading too much into it.

But "Moonlight" has that abstract, strange, hazy look to it that I like... It has that sort of mysterious feel that I can't really describe...

Great art.
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Post#3  Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 9:09 pm  Reply with quote + 
Glad that you like them, as for the starlight ocean I just tried to generally make it look nice. Here's one I just did pretty quickly.

05-04-10 | Volcanic Erupture (Closeup) - v2.1 less red - v2 more red - v1 - v0
Time Spent: 0:30 - Single brush, drawing that strayed from concept- slightly closeup.

Last edited by Razon on Wed May 05, 2010 2:05 pm
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#4  Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 11:30 pm  Reply with quote + 
The thing that I notice with these brush paintings of yours is that you sort of evoke emotion with them... What I mean is, for example with the "Volcanic" one; as you said it is too close up to clearly see that it is a volcanic eruption, but still you managed to capture the intensity of the explosion, and between the vibrant "hot" colors and the smoke, one should be able to tell what this is supposed to be (even if the viewer doesn't get that it's a volcano, it is clearly something very hot and liquid-based; without the title defining it as an eruption I suppose one may see it to be magma flowing downward, but there is defnitely movement and intensity in the piece).
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Post#5  Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 2:34 am  Reply with quote + 
Perhaps that's because I'm creating them using logic, thinking of how to try and make it look realistic and drawing it in such a way. Thing about when I make these pictures is that there's a lot of layers and filters involved that highly effect the look of it, with the volcanic one I posted it once I was done so I didn't have time to take a step away from it and come back for minor changes. Added an edited version in my last post that just made some layers visible and invisible, as well as an in progress prior to first version. If you have any interesting environment ideas that you'd like to see done, I'll consider giving it a shot- also need to tell me what style you want it in.

Edit: And there goes a second v2 with less red, refer to my previous post. Honestly with these things I may even mess with it real quick a week later with a slight quick edit that majorly changes the picture for the better more often then not, that's my normal behavior when it comes to making these pictures. I'm done on the last one now though, I should probably wait a week before posting anything that I make.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#6  Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 3:45 pm  Reply with quote + 
Woah... version 0 looks like the freaking apocalypse. I'm not sure which version 2 I like better, they certainly have more depth than version 1 though... I suppose version 2.1 has a more neutral or natural look to it, while version 2 looks more dangerous, mostly because the red tint in the sky. I think I personally like 2.1 somewhat more.

Anyway, I love what you're doing with this, even though you only just started posting your work. As for environments, I kind of want to see what you would do with a planet, something like Jupiter or perhaps something even further out. That, or your interpretation of a storm. In your single brush style.
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