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Photo of my bomberman pile.
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Post#21  Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 11:40 pm  Reply with quote + 
:surprise:  I'm not Bomberman fan compared to that. O_o Good Job!

Being a fan has nothing to do with a pile of shit. I just cannot help myself! :veryhappy: 

I'd still be as much a fan if I only played 4 games religiously, even if they were all borrowed from a friend or rentals, you know?
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Regulus 777

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Post#22  Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 11:56 pm  Reply with quote + 
Being a fan is determined by how much you love something. It's not determined by just materials owned, though I have to say this, if you really are a fan it's kind of expected to own at least some stuff related to said fandom. Even if I loved a particular game that I borrowed from a friend, I don't feel right calling myself a fan if I don't own it myself or at least owned it at one point in time.

Merchandise and such is a way of showing you are a fan kind of.

Me for instance, I am a huge fan of Fate/Staynight the anime series. I have not yet played the game but I own the entire anime series in it's box set and now have 7 figures of characters from the series (4 of them trading figures) I also have a few posters and wallscrolls from the show, so I'd say that obviously shows that I am a fan. On the other hand I'd also consider myself a big Di Gi Charat fan, but all I have is dvds.

There's different levels too. You can be a moderate fan of something or a huge fan, buying merchandise is just a way of expressing your fandom, not so much a way of measuring it. I think the most effective means to measure fandom in terms of videogames is how much time you have put into a game or series.
lol, By that logic I'm probably the biggest Phantasy Star Nerd here, I'm sure I've put in around 2000 hours between the Phantasy Star Online and Phantasy Star Universe games alone. I've also played a good amount of PS II and beaten PS IV

I'm really starting to stray off the road here so I'll leave it at that. ha ha
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Post#23  Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:04 am  Reply with quote + 
I agree with that, I just do not want to sell anyone's feelings of fandom short. I know several people right now online for instance who are super fans, but they are not allowed to own much of bomberman. For years I was not allowed to either, partly because of my mother's unwise purchases of everything but what I wanted and financial inability to purchase them.

One of the people I speak of has drawn a ton of bomberman artwork but do not own but a single game, and maybe it or another one is borrowed as well, and a handful of roms. Illegal copies of the games, yes, but they are still a fan to me. Just one not as invested financially as I am, not out of choice so much as lack of choice. I am a fan of a lot of movies and films, and even music I have not paid for though I may have access to them now. Then there's the stuff I spent money on, mostly due to ease and coming across it when the mood struck me.

Of course, one can say their non-financial act of expression and devotion is shown in their time spent on artwork. That retains some currency of fandom in a way that in some cases is worth more to me than buying a game that anyone can do. I cannot draw that amazingly but I can buy games. lol I draw some just not amazingly.

I'm trying to be as inclusive as possible here. I am well aware of the ease not buying bomberman trinkets and games would cause me, and extra cash saved as well. I still am strapped financially but I find bargains as a means to treat myself or rashly splurge telling myself it's because my wife literally burns money by smoking. One of my mother's poor lessons rings in my head sometimes. She told us, rather than buy junk food or something stupid, as we rarely had money for even food, to get tangible things we could hold onto. The problem is videogames, music, and movies have a HUGE curve of depreciation with the exception of rare titles that crop up. So you actually end up losing money if you didn't get enough out of the game through playing it. She never understood that and was always burned when she bought too much and then couldn't get enough money back off the waste.

Forgive me, I was a Sociology major and find myself trying to think of scenarios that might be unlike my own but equally as valid. Plus, I don't want people to measure my fandom or love for bomberman by the stuff I happen to have. Some people might take offense if I measured them as such. I've been a fair weather fan at times when real life bogged me down, keeping the torch alive by babbling about it to everyone I meet. ;) Spreading the disease of entertaining multiplayer fun. :veryhappy: 
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Post#24  Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 3:19 am  Reply with quote + 

I went ahead and took an update photo with everything I have gotten since the last giant photo. For those of you who asked what is in the photo, and all that. I have revised the descriptions on Flickr.

You can see the details for the original giant photo at or the new photo at

I don't think I will ever have enough, though I have plenty of titles and gear to go before it becomes difficult to find good deals. :)
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#25  Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:53 am  Reply with quote + 
Nice, you got the Japanese Panic Bomber and Bomberman II. :peace: 
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Post#26  Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 4:39 pm  Reply with quote + 
Dark Zaphe wrote:
Nice, you got the Japanese Panic Bomber and Bomberman II. :peace: 

Thanks. Yes, I got Panic Bomber for $10 including shipping from Japan. I have to buy the US one over, since I sold my copy with my VirtualBoy 8 years ago or more now. I got my then gf now wife some xmas gifts with the money. Bomberman II was not much more than $10 also, though shipping was a bit more. I go for deals. :veryhappy:  The artwork on the Japanese releases of these surpass the North American releases IMO.
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Ninja Bomber

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Post#27  Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 2:02 pm  Reply with quote + 
Bomberman II was the best =O
And that "Hardball" thing is just so weeeeeiiiiiiiird it feels like it's going to blow my mind up =O Nver heard of it.
And don't you have N64?
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Post#28  Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 9:34 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ninja Bomber wrote:
Bomberman II was the best =O
And that "Hardball" thing is just so weeeeeiiiiiiiird it feels like it's going to blow my mind up =O Nver heard of it.
And don't you have N64?

Did you see the first photo on the first page? lol The really huge one. It has n64 Bomberman 64 (US), Baku Bomberman (JP), promo display box and manual for Bomberman Hero (US, I sold the game to someone and have to rebuy it with original box or just loose), and cart and manual for Bomberman 64: Second Attack (US). I have nearly bought the JP release complete a few times, and JP release of Hero, and JP Bomberman 64: Arcade, but I just kept holding out for a better deal to come along. I will have them eventually. :peace: 

I'm like obsessed and stuff. :/ Just with not as much cash to buy what I see, so I wait and spring into action when I see good deals I can afford. :)
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Duke Serkol

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Post#29  Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:11 pm  Reply with quote + 
I can never get over how loltastic it is that they used Bomberking's artwork for the original Bomberman (both American NES and the GBA re-release)
Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#30  Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:29 pm  Reply with quote + 
Wait, really? I never stopped to think about it, I guess I thought it was Bomberking anyway. Why would they even do that?

And how many times has Hudson just re-released the original Bomberman, sometimes with updated graphics or such but sometimes exactly the same? If they're going to do that why don't they remake the original Bomberman but, say, throw in new things OTHER than updated graphics and different tile sets. For example, Boss Rounds instead of just Bonus Rounds - have a giant Ballom boss at the end of the first ten stages, and so on and so forth. And maybe stick in some battles against other Bombermen. After all, Bomberman wasn't the only one working down there. But no, they just re-release the same game, or they do silly stuff like Act Zero. (you all just lost right now)
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Post#31  Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:52 am  Reply with quote + 
Duke Serkol wrote:
I can never get over how loltastic it is that they used Bomberking's artwork for the original Bomberman (both American NES and the GBA re-release)

Well, it isn't just the artwork. There are a couple similar characters, and misc people have brought this up at random times. The crystal podiums you normally see stationary but other times see creeping around in Bomberman '94/Mega Bomberman, appear as an enemy in the first level of NES RoboWarrior/Famicom Bomber King. They were both Hudson Soft games in Japan, tho RoboWarrior was distributed by Sunsoft here I believe, who was behind GB Bomber King: Scenario 2/Blaster Master Boy. I don't know if anyone from Hudson has explained this but some people tend to think the same artists were used for artwork and thus it happened. Though there has to be more to it if there are characters in the game that are similar as well, as they were both Hudson games and someone had to have known.

This is why I think the Japanese-capable of us should find a way to interview all the former coders, musicians, developers and such for a huge Bomberman documentary/additional website fodder. These stories are lost, and every other big series this long running has some of them. There is probably some data in the Super Famicom Strategy Guides, but I have not tried to translate any of it with my inferior non-skills.

Arnie, a fellow from Sweden I have mentioned before on the board and whom I tried to get join here before (if he hasn't yet or was here before) compared sprites in some of the games and posted on Hudson Entertainment with the following graphic linked below:

Arnie's case is more that Hudson borrowed from Dig Dug's design, with Blaster Master being similarly created. Not sure where you can decide what was honest creation and what was inspiration, since Dig Dug has design aspects found in other games of the time as well, such as Mr. Do! The industry borrows and builds on a lot, tweaking and making new content from misc similarities every day. It's not usually outright copying, and for Bomberman I know that isn't the case as even Bomb Jack has a different feeling entirely and gameplay design. I think games of this period especially on the Famicom and other computer systems of the day had this robot fellow in a suit with gear her used to take down enemies. It was a thing for a while and comes back often. It's the same as these suit-wearing mighty battle shows on television being designed like one another. I would say the trend of cybermen (not to be confused all the way with Doctor Who foes) in that era of videogames is quite sound and many examples could be compared for sprite similarities, game design commonalities, along with weapon and enemy similarities. :normal: 

I mean, the characters in Cratermaze can be said to look similar to ones in this vein. Air Zonk or whatever looks a lot like the Bomberman character of the Atomic Punk/Atomic Kid games, and there are more if I was less tired to ramble.
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Regulus 777

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Post#32  Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 7:54 pm  Reply with quote + 
Hehe, I have a copy of Robo Warrior for my NES! It's an amusing little game with some cool music. It is kind of difficult though, you have a hard time finding the exits and your health drains over time. You have to keep blowing stuff up to find more health. You also get a gun in addition to the bombs. It's not very powerful but you can find items to boost the range and such. I've always been amused by the similarity of that game to bomberman even since I was a kid.
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Post#33  Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:06 pm  Reply with quote + 
Regulus 777 wrote:
Hehe, I have a copy of Robo Warrior for my NES! It's an amusing little game with some cool music. It is kind of difficult though, you have a hard time finding the exits and your health drains over time. You have to keep blowing stuff up to find more health. You also get a gun in addition to the bombs. It's not very powerful but you can find items to boost the range and such. I've always been amused by the similarity of that game to bomberman even since I was a kid.

Yeah, it's a fun little game. :) Hard enough though.
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Duke Serkol

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Post#34  Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:26 pm  Reply with quote + 
DragonBomber wrote:
Duke Serkol wrote:
I can never get over how loltastic it is that they used Bomberking's artwork for the original Bomberman (both American NES and the GBA re-release)

Well, it isn't just the artwork. There are a couple similar characters, and

Uh... guys, you do realize Bomberking IS a Bomberman game, right?
The starring character is a Bomberman with a fancier helmet and breastplate + shoulder pads (see the ending if you don't believe me), and Hudson actually lists it among Bomberman games on their site.
Anyway, what I meant was that Hudson simply puts the wrong cover on the game. Would be the same thing if they used the cover of Bomberman Quest.

DragonBomber wrote:
The crystal podiums you normally see stationary but other times see creeping around in Bomberman '94/Mega Bomberman, appear as an enemy in the first level of NES RoboWarrior/Famicom Bomber King.

I can see a little resemblance, but I'm not sure it was intentional.

I wish someone would translate the Japanese manual of the game.
Considering that in the GB version the last boss is
a giant version of the main character,
I'm pretty sure when the American manual says the leader of the enemy army is a cyborg like the starring character it really was, in Japanese, a
Bomberman(/king) like the starring character (even though in the NES version he's a giant disembodied head).

With that said... awesome! Your friend managed to find the Japanese cover of Bomberking Scenario 2! I've looked everywhere for it!
Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
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Post#35  Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:40 pm  Reply with quote + 
I have always considered the Bomber King games Bomberman, though I know not everyone agrees. That was on the more fun periods of my old website research, sitting in the emulator playing the misc games and taking screenshots. I lost a LOT of screenshots, but came away with the impression of how they were tied together.

Arne is a pretty interesting character and amazing artist. His website, possibly not the same domain that graphic is on, has a ton of his game design writeups, misc character art, and even tutorials on creating a similar visual style to him. Good stuff.
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Post#36  Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 6:15 pm  Reply with quote + 
I'm unfamiliar with the Bomber King games; all I know is that Hudson's official Bomberman game list has the first instalment, but doesn't have the second one, though wasn't the Game Boy one developed by another company? That's probably why.
I admit my collection of Bomberman games is pretty lacklustre. They're all European games are probably missing most of the boxes and manuals, starting from the Game Boy era; the most exciting it gets is Bomberman Kart, which I managed to get on eBay for something ridiculous like £3 or £5, in a time when its rarity demanded the likes of £20 upwards.

I'm pretty pleased with my B-Daman collection, though!

18 keychains (one not pictured since it's with my keys!), two larger translucent figures (not pictured, in storage somewhere) and four even larger show-accurate figures, with removable helmets! I got these on Yahoo Auctions from Malayasia about a decade ago; I can't remember the price, but I imagine it wasn't pleasant. I'm disappointed I haven't kept them in the best shape over the years; as you can see, three face stickers have fallen off, six of them are missing their bobbles, the large Shirobom is missing his marble, and in general there's a fair amount of wear and tear going on. Still, they're nice to have!
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Post#37  Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:08 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ragey wrote:
I'm unfamiliar with the Bomber King games; all I know is that Hudson's official Bomberman game list has the first instalment, but doesn't have the second one, though wasn't the Game Boy one developed by another company? That's probably why.
I admit my collection of Bomberman games is pretty lacklustre. They're all European games are probably missing most of the boxes and manuals, starting from the Game Boy era; the most exciting it gets is Bomberman Kart, which I managed to get on eBay for something ridiculous like £3 or £5, in a time when its rarity demanded the likes of £20 upwards.

I'm pretty pleased with my B-Daman collection, though!
18 keychains (one not pictured since it's with my keys!), two larger translucent figures (not pictured, in storage somewhere) and four even larger show-accurate figures, with removable helmets! I got these on Yahoo Auctions from Malayasia about a decade ago; I can't remember the price, but I imagine it wasn't pleasant. I'm disappointed I haven't kept them in the best shape over the years; as you can see, three face stickers have fallen off, six of them are missing their bobbles, the large Shirobom is missing his marble, and in general there's a fair amount of wear and tear going on. Still, they're nice to have!

Oh no, don't say lackluster. I am quite sure it's playable, right? That's what matters. I got lucky with some of the games early on being complete, and coming from a classic console hardware/game collecting background I just aimed for that. I have plenty of titles I need to fill in holes for if I abide by my obsessive desire to have it all. :idea:

You can get a copy of Saturn Bomberman much cheaper than we can most of the time in the UK, though even the PAL version is creeping up to insane eBay levels. Mega Bomberman usually goes fairly cheap. I got Hardball insanely cheap from eBay UK also, it was around $12-13 US shipped to a friend in Huddersfield. I paid only slightly more for Kart. It's too bad more of the PS2 titles did not get PAL releases because they play wonderfully once you overcome the video issue and get them Y centered. I do not see Dynablaster as often as I used to, and the dolls have really dried up but sometimes you find amazing things. And I will tell you what, I have never had a problem with communication with UK vendors, ever. Not a hint of hesitation or delay in emailing me and sending out my stuff. Even when I am shipping to an address not verified by Paypal (the Huddersfield one).

That is a pretty awesome scene, Ragey! :stun:  *bows and shows reverence* The thought of even larger b-daman figures is crazy. haha Man...I cannot even fathom what they would have cost you, but I would have paid the price to be honest. I have not dived into the figure world, mainly due to space issues. I just cannot see the point of my buying many without space. We have a ton of LOTR figures already in storage, plus random game-related figures and dolls. Blah. The figures and models and all that are awesome, way more awesome than I deserve right now. lol

I have only seen that many B-daman figures in one collection together from someone on forums once, but I will allow him to step forward with urls if he so chooses. He had a ton of them though. More than I even knew were made, noting whether they were authentic or bootleg as well.
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Duke Serkol

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Post#38  Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:49 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ragey wrote:
with the Bomber King games; all I know is that Hudson's official Bomberman game list has the first instalment, but doesn't have the second one, though wasn't the Game Boy one developed by another company? That's probably why.

Yep, that's right.

Ragey wrote:
I'm pretty pleased with my B-Daman collection, though!

So wonderful! :heart: 
Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
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Post#39  Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 10:06 pm  Reply with quote + 
Oh man, I've never seen that many Bomberman figures in the same place! That is awesome! It's like an infomercial, suddenly I must have something like that! And those large figures, how big are they? They look rather large, but anyway very cool!
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Regulus 777

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Post#40  Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 11:28 pm  Reply with quote + 
I used to have one of those keychain figurines, it slowly fell apart and I lost it a long time ago. To give you an idea of how big those figures are the keychains were maybe about an inch and a half tall, maybe almost 2 inches.
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