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Translating Bomberman Manuals
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Post#61  Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:08 am  Reply with quote + 
I've started with the centre book (I can't get an adequate translation, but I'm under the impression it's called the All Characters Guide or something) and scanned up to page 39 (out of 192), which covers the Five Dastardly Bombers, Bagular, the World Bombers (plus Space Bomber) and the country-representing guys from SBM3. The rest of the boss section only has screenshots, no artwork (no official art for Dr. Mook and Carat Gold :{ ), and covers the GB1, GB2 and Super Bomberman 1 bosses. After that it's the enemies, which has some very nice artwork.
Serious apologies for how sloppy the scans are. The book is pretty small (a mere 15cm) so the pages don't have much give, and as this image shows (warning, they're all huge!) it builds up to have a curve, which prevents it from lying completely flat, hence why some of the later pages have "B" images taken with a camera in an attempt to get the text more clearly. On one hand I'd like to debind it so I could get better scans, but on the other I'd prefer not to destroy such an item. I don't think the other books should be as bad, but I don't think there's anything I can do without wrecking it.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#62  Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 2:45 pm  Reply with quote + 
Awesome! :cool: 

Finally we get comfirmation that Bomb Gunman and Rasta Bomber are -not- the same as their Super Bomberman 3 counterparts, and there's the page that names the combined mecha from SB3 (ガッタイダ- or "Gattaida-", as Shiro mentioned before).

Oh yeah, and the Bomberman from Bomberman GB2 is "Indy Bomber."

Again, awesome find, and thanks for scanning all this!
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Post#63  Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:21 am  Reply with quote + 
It'd be interesting to see how varied the names of enemies is in these SFC Strategy Guide books for Super Bomberman 1-5 differ if any from the instruction manuals. Btw, what manuals do we still need scans of any manuals that you recalled seeing in my group shots, shot 1 or shot 2? I got reminded about these scans on IM, after sort of falling off the bomber jet into space. I don't recall what all was scanned by whom but you seem to have collected or scanned yourself an impressive array of the titles.

Thanks. The scans linked to of the guide look pretty sweet. :D

Second Edit. Looking over your directories, it looks like you have Saturn covered pretty well. Tho, do you need the following? SFC panic bomber world or SFC super bomberman 3

First Edit: Ragey, dropping the data I mentioned providing on the TG16 manual here so everyone can make use of it. Just transcribed the enemy page until I get to the scanner.

p.7 of the US release TG-16 Bomberman manual. I will try to scan this Sunday at work. Only 12 pages if you count every scannable page so it should be a cinch. Not in color on the inside and very little actual character data in it.

"Enemy Characters & The Big Bosses
Enemy Characters
Each of the following enemy characters are constantly after
you. Some are easily defeated, and some are truly
formidable. The boss characters that appear at the end of
each round are especially tough. This is where your mastery
of fighting techniques will really pay off!

Appears in Stages 1 and 8. Worth 100
points if destroyed.

Appears in Stage 5. Worth 400 points
if destroyed.

Appears in Stage 6. Worth 100 points
if destroyed.

Appears in Stage 7. Worth 400 points
if destroyed.

Appears during "Time Outs." Worth
200 points if destroyed.

Appears in all stages. Worth 1,000
points if destroyed.

Appears in all stages. Worth 1,000
points if destroyed.

Appears in all stages. Worth 2,000
points if destroyed.

Meet the "Big" Bosses!

The terror of the first stage that must be destroyed!
Worth 20,000 points if you succeed!

Must be hit at least three times to be destroyed.
However, until you defeat Bubbles, it will continue to
produce "baby" Bubbles that must also be destroyed. If
you succeed in destroying Bubbles, you get 20,000
points, and if you destroy a "baby" Bubbles, you get 100

Using the following image provided earlier by Razon as a reference, and looking at this page before I can provide the scan, the following character matchups are guesses, ironed out better once you see what I am talking about. The TG16 manual versions are
all simple black and white artwork as well, but have some depth to some of
them and make some matches a challenge.

Edit Added the 2 other enemies from PS1 Bomberman Party Edition.

Edit: Added the scan of TG16 enemies mentioned.

Barom is of course Valcom.
Shashakin is ?.
Nagacham is ?.
Ojin is maybe O'Neal, but they don't look much alike.
Pontan looks nothing like Foton/Pontan.
Boyon is Minbow/Minvo.
Telpio looks most like Flotsam/Ovape.
Parce is Tiglon/Pass.

Last edited by DragonBomber on Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:31 pm
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Post#64  Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:52 am  Reply with quote + 
Huh, I was initially curious to see the manual because the Japanese Wikipedia entry for that instalment only lists eight enemies and two bosses, so I thought it was just an incomplete entry, but looks like it was following exactly what the manual did. And considering the fact there's definitely more than eight enemies in the game, that's a bit of a problem! I initially asked because I'd reached World 3 and come across two new enemies which neither fitted the descriptions of the remaining names, and since they didn't also appear in Bomberman II (which I've got names for, though I'm pretty dubious they're accurate since Panic Bomber W contradicts a few of them) I couldn't get the names from there. Frustratink.
Zaphe got me some SBM3 scans, so I'm covered in that area, though Panic Bomber World scans would be much appreciated - it'd be nice to have an official source for the storyline! And yikes, those images look like a huge shopping list of manuals I'd love scanned. I've lost my Pocket and Mega Bomberman manuals, so I'd have them high on the list, along with Bomberman II and GB. Wario Blast and Atomic Punk I'd merely be interested in seeing their story sections and anything else of interest (am I the only one concerned that the shopkeeper in Atomic Punk has no name?). Fantasy Race, Hero, Party Edition and the NES game, I'd only be curious to see if there's any decent unobscured artwork in them. I'll probably be nagging you about the other manuals at one point or another, but at the moment I'm primarily focusing on the older games, though that Super Bomberman 1 guide would be nifty too - take your time, of course, I'm in no rush at all and certainly don't want to seem like I'm demanding these in a hurry or anything!
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Post#65  Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:13 pm  Reply with quote + 
Understood. I have pasted the second paragraph into the txt file so I know what shopping lists to hit first. I will try to do better with my bomberman-related tasks. :) It's the least I can do since I raided your stash online and have some of these. I think if we work together and trade scans, the whole community can profit a lot from this. I may eventually ask you to top off my cup with more scans too, as you will have others I would like to have. heh
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Post#66  Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 12:26 pm  Reply with quote + 
Haha, I didn't mean it as criticism! No, I was just complaining about the lack of official names for the PCE enemies, ain't nothing against you, man~ (unless I'm misinterpreting everything!)
Since my scans of the centre book turned out so horrible, I'll be putting it on the backburner for a while; it scans very nicely on my dad's scanner for some reason, even when a part is slightly elevated off the scanning bed, but on my scanner if it isn't pressed against it it becomes blurred and horrible. I'll probably rescan it on his sometime when I have the opportunity.

I scanned the majority of the Super Bomberman 4 guide (I skipped a few battle stage sections because near the centre I'd need to push down on the weight I had on the book to get it more flat on the bed, which is not much fun for the wrist), and it came out much, much nicer - the larger page size is obviously easier to work with when it comes to scanning. For the interested, the images guide-8, guide-21 and guide-40 have some 4-koma on them, though I admit I'm more interested in the absolutely awesome figurine dioramas; if they actually sold those I would be all over them.
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Post#67  Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2009 2:31 pm  Reply with quote + 
Names of enemies:

タンクボン - Tank Bomb

パックンガ- Pakkunga (line bomb rider)
ダンシングピエロ - Dancing Clown (dance rider)
タンクボン - Tank Bomb
ダルマン - Daruman (Dull Man?; blue clockwork rider)

小魔神 - Little Demon (brown figure)
原人ウッホ - Caveman Uggho
ドグ-ンJr. - Dogu-n Jr. (kicking rider)

チビ丸 - Chibi ??? (ninja)
ペラン - Peran (green squiggle)
ミサイルマン - Missile Man

G.Iボーイ - G.I. Boy
ベッタン - Bettan (Hammer bear)
スカンプ- - Skunpew (skunk)

ドロンパ - Doronpa ("doron" means to slip off unnoticed; ghost)
サイコマン - Psychoman (pink enemy)
エスパ- - ESPer (bomb detonating enemy)
ボヨヨンベビ- - Boyoyon Baby (small ball thing)

There are a few I'm unsure of how to translate.

Also, nice artwork in there. Funny thing - about those G.I. Boys, I always thought that the tongue was a nose and the mouth was a brow, before I saw the artwork.
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Post#68  Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 11:33 pm  Reply with quote + 
Atomic Punk enemies:

Famicom Bomberman 2 enemies:

These looked interesting. I like the artwork style on the Atomic Punk ones especially.
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Post#69  Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:08 pm  Reply with quote + 
Scanned the remainder of the Super Bomberman 4 guide, which is images 43 to 51, though I've noticed that I'm actually missing pages 103 to 110! One of the pages came out (page 93, guide-46.jpg needed pasting together from two separate scans) so I'm assuming it was missing before it was dispatched. Can't imagine I'm missing much though, but it's a bummer knowing it isn't complete. The resale value has plummeted!
I'll probably tackle the Baku Bomberman guide next, since that'll probably give me some decent resoruces to work with when I cover that game on my site. I'll finish off the character guide book when I get a good opportunity to use my dad's scanner.

I only got looking at them just now, but thanks so much for the plethora of manual scans, DragonBomber! I'll try and get them up on the site soonish. I absolutely love the Atomic Punk storyline - the "peaceful world of Atomica", the "Nukies," Atomic Punk being Bomberman's son, it's delightfully friggin' absurd! I'll definitely have to seek out the Japanese manual of the game to see how much of it is accurate and how much was just cooked up by the copyrighter. Strangely, all the Japanese sites I've seen (except Hudson's site) seem to refer to the game by the American title, Atomic Punk, rather than the Japanese title of Bomber Boy, and I've never seen an explanation as to why; the Japanese version still came out first as far as I can tell, so...? I've no idea. Something worth researching, perhaps.
Also on the Japanese Wikipedia, I saw mention of what appears to be an educational video with Bomberman in it - Thank You For The Courage That I Heard, Bomberman, which is apparently about a kid with deaf parents involved in the Great Hanshin earthquake. Having Bomberman associated with a natural disaster where a few thousand people died kind of has unfortunate implications, if you ask me, though at least it isn't a Barefoot Gen crossover; that would just get awkward.
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Post#70  Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:38 pm  Reply with quote + 
I can probably get you pages 103 to 110 from my copy of the guide for Super Bomberman 4 (if my copy is indeed complete) sometime this or early next week depending how things are at work. I can probably do it over lunch on Friday I wager.

You're welcome for the scans. I will eventually put them up on my wikidot site as well (once I upgrade my space allotment), and link to them so both new and more experienced fans have multiple sources for the data. Plus I will have them all within reach to look at from any net-capable PC. I have a few more manuals to edit the scans for, and a few more I want to scan+edit just for fun even if no one makes use of them. Once I get all the manuals out of the way I can work on the guides. :idea:

I have a copy of PAL Dynablaster waiting for me complete in Australia, which thankfully I will need not have to scan. I just need to ship off some stuff to my friend before that goes out. Yet another box for the shelving.

I always thought a cross-referenced visual Bomberman character database would be k-rad. Both in website form, and a downloadable front end/app. Some manner of animated bomberman computer like the super computer in the PCE/TG16 games. I did animations on such a computer setup, using the screen area for the theoretical data display but lost all that work during a hdd crash. It was all coded in Director though, and Flash would be a better choice nowadays. I never stay focused on a project though and quit work on the data collection for it, let alone the design layout.

It would have plot data, any extra data, and offer to display graphics from the misc games. Both in-game sprites, in-game artwork, and packaging art. Such a utility would be amazing. I really want to see how many games Munchie Jump appears in, since he's so much like a toned down Pac-Man clone visually.
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Post#71  Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2009 8:36 pm  Reply with quote + 
I only ever remember Munchie Jump appearing in Super Bomberman 1 and 2, maybe 5. Correct me if I'm wrong though...

Anyway, here's my translation of those classic Bomberman enemies:

Ballom (バロム)
Boyon (ボヨン)*
Nagachamu (Eternal Cham?) (ナガチャム)*
Buffer (バッファ)
Flapper (フラッパ-)
Ecto (エクトプ)

Pontan (ポンタン)*
Terupyo (テルピョ-)*
Po-mori (ポ-モリ)*
Pass (パ-ス)
Boma (ボマ)*
Ojin (オジン)*
Clash (チャ)
Watern (ウォ-タン)
Maron (Chestnut?) (マロン)*
Korisuke (コリスケ)*

This is in order from left to right, the separation is for the next row. Ones with asterisks I didn't find a good translation for.

Somehow - and it's been a long afternoon so I can't remember - but somehow I ended up finding the Japanese wikipedia page for Super Bomberman 2, which includes all the enemy names there. I'm guessing they'll appear in the game guide you've got, but I'll go ahead and post my translations here and now:


Stage 1
Puff Puff (パフパフ) - Bird
Mr. Moai (Mr.モアイ) - Easter Island head
Mr. Magnet* (マグネヘル) - Magnet (I'm assuming it's "Mr." because of "heru")
Bomb II* (バクダII世)
Magnet Bomber (マグネットボンバー(ボス))
Iron _* (アイアンジーク(ボス)) - Boss ("Ji-ku" is what I'm stuck on here)

Stage 2
Ramosu (ラモース) - Fire walker
Glorin (グロリン) - Purple thing
Fiber (ファイバー) - Fire spitter
Zippo (ジッポー) - Lights on fire
Golem Bomber (ゴーレムボンバー(ボス))
* (ブレストファイアー) - Boss
(The word ブレストフ seems to be used in names for mechas. Not sure how to rightly translate this, but it literally appears to be "Breast Fire.")

Stage 3
Guardi (ガーディー)
Poyo (ポヨ) - Yellow Blob
Poyo Mole (ポヨモグラー)
Poyo Tank (ポヨ戦車)
Flop (ペタン) - Penguin
Sleepy (ネムネム)
Float (フータ) - Transparent
Pretty Bomber (プリティボンバー(ボス))
Mask Change (マスクチェンジ(ボス)) - Boss

Stage 4
Munchie Jump (パクパジャンプ)
Blocker (ブロッカー) - Lays Soft Blocks
Robodash (ロボダッシュ)
Red Bomb II* (バクダレッドII世)
Brain Bomber (ブレインボンバー(ボス))
Robo Bomber (ボンバーロボ(ボス)) - Boss

Stage 5
Pikarin* (ピカリン) (Fish; name means "lightning flash")
Kuragari* (クラガリン) (Spiky ball, kurai means "dark")
Bibin* (ビビン) - Headset guy ("bi" is a high pitched sound)
Rapid Coin (シツコイン)
Plasma Bomber (プラズマボンバー(ボス))
SkeleGuard (スケルガード(ボス)) - Boss

And of course, what I'm sure at least some of you have been wondering, finally the identity of that mysterious tentacle alien is revealed. Duke Serkol said he thought it was an associate of Bagura, I'm pretty sure this proves your case here:

General Ganzu (G.ガンズ(ボス)) - Boss

Once again, names marked with asterisks are ones I am unsure of how to translate effectively (or at all in some cases).
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Post#72  Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:11 am  Reply with quote + 
Very interesting. :D
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Post#73  Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 8:18 am  Reply with quote + 
Got most of the Bomberman 64 guide done, though I've done the beginning and end, the middle still needs done - there's not as much excitement as the Super Bomberman 4 guide, but I'd like to think the sections for the bosses will have some decent info. I was expecting more 3D artwork, but a lot of it is still the typical 2D style from the Super Bomberman series, which is kinda odd.
Also, not sure if I mentioned this before, but someone very graciously scanned the Neo Bomberman cabinet art for me, which was remarkably awesome of him. Can't say I'm expecting much in the way of juicy details in the text, but getting the names of the steeds translated would be neat.
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Post#74  Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 4:55 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ridable Monsters:

チャージ - Charge
ダチョン - Ostrich

Not sure about the others at this point.

Bomberman 64 guide looks interesting... funny thing, I saw the American guide in a store during the summer, and was surprised to find it made absolutely no mention of Rainbow Palace.
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Post#75  Posted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:30 pm  Reply with quote + 
Glad we finally have official confirmation of what those guys shout when combining in SBMan3. Now we only need to figure out what exactly they are referencing with it *lol*

Anyway, I see you guys are talking about Bomberboy.
I once had the chance to check out its manual. Unfortunately, it did not seem like there was any story for the game other than that of the original Bomberman, but it was only a quick look to a Japanese manual, so I can't really be sure.
Metroid: Other M - As in "There's the good Metroid games... we chose to do one of some Other Make altogether."
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Post#76  Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:23 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ughh, those crazy English translators... they mixed up the names on that page out of the TG-16 manual that Dragon Bomber posted. No wonder I was getting so confused on this stuff. Let's fix this:

Barom: Ballom (matter of preference, but since it's a play on "balloon" this is my pick)
Shashakin: Nagacham ("naga" meaning "eternal", "cham" being a person)
Nagacham: Shashakin (not sure what the name means, but it's supposed to be like a platypus thing)
Ojin: Ojin (finally, something is right here!)
Pontan: Boyon
Boyon: The art is pretty unclear, but I'm guessing this is Pontan (the coin) because its name is mixed up with the above one (with the description stating that it appears when you run out of time as well, which is what Pontans do)
Telpio: Actually, this is probably accurate. This is the ghost thing with lips, that I directly Romanized as "Terupyo".
Parce: Pass

Now I've just got to figure out the Watern/Ovape problem. They look the freaking same, except one is red and one is blue! Erggh...

Oh hey, Serkol, did you notice that I found the name of that alien Final Boss from Super Bomberman 2?

EDIT: Oh yeah, the names of the original Bomberman enemies:

バロム - Ballom (100 points; balloon enemy)
オニール - Onil (200 points; onion enemy)
ダル - Dull (400 points; barrel enemy)
ミンボー - Minbo (800 points; will later be named Minbow)
コンドリア - Chondria (1000 points; slime/amoeba enemy)
オバピー - Ovape (2000 points; red ghost enemy similar to Watern)
パース - Pass (4000 points; tiger enemy)
ポンタン - Pontan (8000 points; disc/coin enemy)
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Post#77  Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 11:22 am  Reply with quote + 
Oh lordy, it's hard enough keeping track of enemies and their names what with how inconsistent they are (I'm pretty sure some of the enemies in Bomberman II have modified names in Panic Bomber W), but having them mixed up is just... unpleasant. I'll definitely need to make a page that attempts to keep track of all the ridiculous titles.
Scanned the rest of the Bomberman 64 guide. Might tackle the Super Bomberman 5 one next (don't think I'll get a good opportunity to scan the small character guide better until mid-November I'm afraid), though I'll see what happens.
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Post#78  Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 10:44 pm  Reply with quote + 
I know that the ghost enemy Nagacham is named "Bakebake" in both the original Panic Bomber and Panic Bomber World, so that may be a renaming or it may be a different creature altogether.

As for Watern and Ovape, I am beginning to think that they are simply different enemies. Ovape in its standard form (red swaying ghost) does not appear in Bomberman II and Bomberman PCE. Instead, this blue ghost-like, gel-like enemy, Watern, appears. So I suggest that until this notion is challenged, we refer to Ovape and Watern as seperate enemy characters.

I almost think that Terupyo/Kurin replaced Ovape, and that Ovape was turned into a different type of enemy, Watern. After all, they both appear ghost-like, both sway (Ovape seems to "lunge" in a direction, while Terupyo just sways back and forth), and both travel through soft blocks (though Terupyo doesn't do this in Bomberman II).

EDIT: I just noticed that you've got the Pocket Bomberman manual scanned from Dragon Bomber on your website... I'm impressed that they actually translated the three Panic Bomber villains' names pretty accurately, except Deceiving Spirit Bomber... who they refer to as "she" for some reason, even though it's obviously a guy. I'm guessing they misinterpreted the evil eyes as being feminine?

But anyway, based on that and the name of the first boss ("Torent" - "Torento" - "Trent"), I'd say the name translations should be fairly accurate in this manual... which is surprising for a change.

EDIT 2: And another thing - Sorry, I've just been looking through your website, and this is sort of off-topic - But, I noticed this before, and didn't mention it... In the Bomberman Fantasy Race intro, why are Muscle Bomber and Dave Bomber seated in that space-ship like normal passengers along with Shiro and Kuro?!...
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Post#79  Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 7:32 am  Reply with quote + 
You'll have to remind me who Muscle Bomber and Dave Bomber are! I've been trying to get a characters page started but been having difficulty simply because there's so much I've missed and so little information on a lot of them; and given how inconsistent the translations can be at times, I'd probably end up needing the source Japanese info on most characters anyway. An intimidating task!
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Post#80  Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 3:48 pm  Reply with quote + 
They're some of the Brutal Bombers from Super Bomberman 5. Muscle Bomber is the destructive strongman, and Dave Bomber is the fat underworld leader with the hat and tie. Both appear in the beginning of the Fantasy Race intro, in the shot of Shiro and Kuro sleeping aboard the ship. Any possible reason that these criminals would be aboard ship, free and in the open while Shiro and Kuro are sleeping, is beyond me...

EDIT: Okay now I'm just jumping around, but I noticed you also have the Saturn Bomberman manual up, so I got the names of the bosses in that secondary mode (with Monk Bomber):

Floor 4: Bomber Bomjin
Floor 8: Bomber Debugon (デブゴン, unsure of the second character; "Debu", again, means fat, and "gon" means gong, so it would probably be something like "Bigong")
Floor 12: Tankard Bomber (ジョッキー)
Floor 16: Miyagi Bomber (ミヤーギ)
Floor 20: Dragon Bomber (ドラゴン)

I'm surprised I got through most of that without trouble... the text is all fancy and ridiculous on those names.
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