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From Topic: Translating Bomberman Manuals
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#76  Posted: Sun Oct 25, 2009 7:23 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ughh, those crazy English translators... they mixed up the names on that page out of the TG-16 manual that Dragon Bomber posted. No wonder I was getting so confused on this stuff. Let's fix this:

Barom: Ballom (matter of preference, but since it's a play on "balloon" this is my pick)
Shashakin: Nagacham ("naga" meaning "eternal", "cham" being a person)
Nagacham: Shashakin (not sure what the name means, but it's supposed to be like a platypus thing)
Ojin: Ojin (finally, something is right here!)
Pontan: Boyon
Boyon: The art is pretty unclear, but I'm guessing this is Pontan (the coin) because its name is mixed up with the above one (with the description stating that it appears when you run out of time as well, which is what Pontans do)
Telpio: Actually, this is probably accurate. This is the ghost thing with lips, that I directly Romanized as "Terupyo".
Parce: Pass

Now I've just got to figure out the Watern/Ovape problem. They look the freaking same, except one is red and one is blue! Erggh...

Oh hey, Serkol, did you notice that I found the name of that alien Final Boss from Super Bomberman 2?

EDIT: Oh yeah, the names of the original Bomberman enemies:

バロム - Ballom (100 points; balloon enemy)
オニール - Onil (200 points; onion enemy)
ダル - Dull (400 points; barrel enemy)
ミンボー - Minbo (800 points; will later be named Minbow)
コンドリア - Chondria (1000 points; slime/amoeba enemy)
オバピー - Ovape (2000 points; red ghost enemy similar to Watern)
パース - Pass (4000 points; tiger enemy)
ポンタン - Pontan (8000 points; disc/coin enemy)
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