I think Bomberman AI can be categorized into many personalities. Not just the easy/med/hard difficulties. For example:
-Coward: They are really dangerous: They avoid enemies, get any nearby items and dodges bombs like a genius. But he places few bombs. He often causes draws.
-Reckless: They go bomb like crazy! They like to put bombs a lot, kick those bombs to attack you and among other offensive strategies. But they often kill themselves and doesn´t like to get items so much.
-Collector: This one likes to collect items and destroying soft blocks, and looks very skilled in doing so. But he is very tempted to get a good item and avoid bad items a lot, so he gets trapped easily. Once there isn´t a single item or soft block, he goes offensive like Reckless does.
-Vengeful: He thinks a lot on defeating a single bomberman, so much that he just forgets the others. Once he gets to that target, he will pursuit and bomb that target until the target is bombed. He is very skilled at trapping. But once the target is more powerful than he is, it´s the Vengeful that will be bombed.
Good idea? What do you think?