I could've sworn I posted about this somewhere here before, but a quick search of this board isn't turning up anything.
Anyway. Earlier this year I ran across the
Bomberman 64: The Second Attack Fandub Project. There hasn't been much in the way of updates, but I noticed recently that they finally cast all of the roles. Because I'm a bit obsessive over this game *coughunderstatementofthemillenniumcoughcough*, I went and looked up anything I could find on the VAs. Mind you, it was a pretty cursory search, so if any of y'all happen to be familiar with these folks, post about it because I'm curious about the talent that's going into this project. :idea:
POMMY - EileMonty
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b__PqTGZLEY (demo reel @ YouTube)
COMMENTS - Holy shit, she has one hell of a vocal range. Pretty good choice for Pommy, I think.
BHB SOLDIERS - xSeo and Darkwolf
http://voiceactingalliance.com/board/showthread.php?t=55424 (xSeo; "Scyther Cannot Learn Fly")
COMMENTS - Not much to say about xSeo and the role, since it's a bit part in the whole scheme of things. Darkwolf I'll mention later since he also got cast as Molok.
AUDIO - n/a
COMMENTS - Uhhhh couldn't find anything on this guy. He's apparently not registered at the VAA board as a user, and of course with SUCH a UNIQUE NAME he's all but impossible to find on Google.
http://www.devenmack.com/vastuff/ (demo reel)
COMMENTS - I'm not sure if D-Mac Double from VAA is this same guy, but there's someone who goes by that name on both VAA and VAC (Voice Acting Club), so I figured it was worth a shot. Either way, he's also got a wide-ass range, and although he sounds like he plays a lot of really energetic characters, I think he could potentially pull off a Bem voice.
ASHTARTH - Actorman
http://voiceactingalliance.com/board/showthread.php?t=38275 (Zidane in the FF9 fandub)
COMMENTS - Not bad.
ZHAEL - dragonknighttara
http://www.4shared.com/audio/5kRGNYcN/dragonknighttara_demo_winter20.html (demo reel)
COMMENTS - She's pretty good too! I can definitely hear Zhael in her lower voices.
MOLOK - Darkwolf
http://voiceactingalliance.com/board/showthread.php?t=41693 (A couple of Digimon impressions)
COMMENTS - Haven't actually listened yet; he was one of the last ones I found because the order in which I searched for the VAs was rather haphazard.
ZONIHA - sasuya
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ItYyfwMygg&feature=related (winter 2008 demo reel)
COMMENTS - At about 0:12 on the winter demo reel, she hits an excellent range for Zoniha. Overall she seems very competent, and I would love to hear her impression of everyone's favorite example of Light Is Not Good.
BULZEEB - Kirbopher
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZ21hY85pc0 (Sonic Abridged; plays Tails);
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OB8EYKXAys (YGO Abridged; plays Noah, 2:16)
COMMENTS - Apparently he's primarily an animator, so I can't seem to find a lot of voice roles for him (maybe I'm not looking in the right places). The two roles I DID find...don't inspire a lot of confidence for him doing this particular role. XD;; But we shall have to see.
http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/108275 (demo reel);
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/528522 ("Aeris Dies")
COMMENTS - She's got the range for it, although I worry that she might go overboard on the sweetness/cuteness. Apparently she's freakin' everywhere in fandbus and fanimations and AMVs and schnazz - she's even on Wikipedia under her real name.
RUKIFELLTH - sonicmega
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/502549 (Ganon, scene 4);
http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/485091 (Fox McCloud, I think)
COMMENTS - I guess the Ganon voice could fit Rukifellth, but he'd have to tailor it a bit.
Overall, I'd say that they definitely got good talent for the female (and, erm, cute) side of things. I wish I could've auditioned myself, but I don't have a good range and about the only role I could pull off would be Zhael - I'm not cute enough for Lilith and not fabulous enough for Zoniha. XD