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Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo?
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Post#1  Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 5:02 pm  Reply with quote + 
Let me say a simple comparison. Correct me if I missed something.

Most reliable first party games in existance. PERIOD!
Best gameplay value of any game.
Famous franchises such as Mario and Legend of Zelda.


Small sized consoles.
Advanced portables.

Most unreliable 1st party games since there is none.
Relies too much on 3rd party games.

None. >.<

Red Ring of Death.
360 scratches discs.
Unoriginal 1st party games.
They ruined Banjo Kazooie.
They force companies to put fees on downloads when they'd rather keep them free.
Too much focus on graphics, not enough gameplay value.
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Post#2  Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 6:20 pm  Reply with quote + 
Microsoft didn't ruin Banjo, Nintendo sold them off because they didn't like their crude humour. Lots of hidden sexual innuendos in a rated E game? Not good.

Anyways, I prefer Nintendo for the franchises I love :idea:
The Elemental Stone of Shadow
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Soniti 254

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Post#3  Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:55 pm  Reply with quote + 
Your free to express your own opinion and all; but, not to be offensive or anything, you have to be either the biggest fanboy ever or you're completely oblivious of it to think that Nintendo has no problems at all. Nothing's perfect, not even Nintendo. If you don't mind, I compiled my own version of this list. Feel free to compare 'em or anything.

- Has some of the most recognizable characters and franchises in history (Mario and Zelda are the best examples)
- Can develop some pretty good games (keyword here is can)
- Good portable gaming support (although as of late, seems like this isn't necessarily the case anymore)
- Offers free online gaming, for those of you interested in that kind of thing

- Too much focus on casual games (which can also be a part of reasons below)
- As of late, they no longer care about the original fanbase, or the ones who basically made Nintendo the way they are now
- As of late, lack of actually good games (take a look at your local GameStop or its equivalent's Wii shelf and tell me how much of it you'd actually be willing to pay money for. I can practically guarantee it's between 1% to 15%)
- Their online gaming is definitely the worst of the three (Friend codes? lol wut?)

- Probably has the best 3rd party support of the three
- As of this generation, has the best technological aspects
- In my opinion, has the best library of games of the three
- Pretty good portable gaming
- Offers free online gaming

- This gen's mainstream console was really expensive and they are only just now fixing this (although for a hefty price, see below)
- As of PS3 Slim and one other model, no longer entirely backwards compatible (amongst other things, but this is my biggest beef)
- The portable console can be kind of uncomfortable to use at times (but this can be mostly forgiven)

- They have the most money to burn (seeing as they also apparently make the best or most well known computer software (aka Windows))
- Fact of the matter is, they probably have the most popular console of this gen (behind Nintendo's much overhyped Wii, of course)

- RRoD (although this seems to be less of a problem now)
- Too many generic/uninteresting games make up a very large portion of console's library (your thousands upon thousands of FPS games, racing games, and sports games)
- Mentioned generic/uninteresting games heavily overshadowing (practically hiding) any potential gems it has
- Often exclusivity of said potential gems
- No portable gaming at all
- Lack of any real free online gaming support
- Forces those interested in the Xbox 360's full online potential to pay monthly fees (not just for the games, but for the actual service)

And last but not least is...

- Always had the most advanced consoles for it's time (the first to introduce online gaming, the first to use media disks for their games, the first to use the console's hard drive for saving game data (see Saturn), the first to introduce memory cards (also see Saturn) the first to introduce 8-bit (Master System), 16-bit (Genesis/Mega Drive), 32-bit (32x, Saturn), 64-bit (Saturn), and 128-bit (Dreamcast) gaming consoles, etc.)
- Has some of the best games ever made (Sonic, Phantasy Star, NiGHTS Into Dreams, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, etc.)
- Pretty much was the best at what they do

- They died far too soon... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:

Well, putting my half-joking of Sega aside, I'd consider myself to be more of a Sony fan now. Because really, Sony's current consoles are the only ones that really hold much interest to me now. Even beating out old-favorite Nintendo.

Honestly, I feel that Nintendo just isn't that good of a company anymore and I am really just uninterested in their consoles and games for the most part. I'll always love and respect the old Nintendo, but I really do not care for this new one, and I can really hardly believe that this company bears the same name and staff of the company I used to love when I was a kid.

As for Microsoft, I can safely assure you that I was never interested in them as a gaming company. Honestly, as soon as I heard of their arrival, I always thought that they would drop out of the competition so fast that if you even mentioned the name "Xbox" to someone, they'd say "What the hell are you talking about?" So yeah, I guess you can say I was kind of surprised that they have made it this far and they don't look like they'd be dying out anytime soon.

And then there's Sega. Well, I can not really explain how exactly I feel about Sega. I guess one could describe my current relationship with Sega to be a love and hate one. I love some of their new games, and I hate others. However, if this were the Sega back in their prime, back when they were still in the console race, they'd easily still be my favorite company of all time. I have always loved Sega's stuff far more then the rest back in the day. My biggest regret when it comes to Sega is that I didn't get a Dreamcast sooner and I really wish I could have. I could have gotten so many more games for it. I could have gotten so much more fun out of that thing. I may even still be playing it regularly to this day had I just got it sooner. But alas, I did not. I simply got it when it was already too late.

lol wow. This turned into something so much deeper (and longer) then I could have possibly imagined.
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

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Regulus 777

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Post#4  Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 6:29 am  Reply with quote + 
SSJ-Sonic 254 wrote:
- Always had the most advanced consoles for it's time (the first to introduce online gaming, the first to use media disks for their games, the first to use the console's hard drive for saving game data (see Saturn), the first to introduce memory cards (also see Saturn) the first to introduce 8-bit (Master System), 16-bit (Genesis/Mega Drive), 32-bit (32x, Saturn), 64-bit (Saturn), and 128-bit (Dreamcast) gaming consoles, etc.)
- Has some of the best games ever made (Sonic, Phantasy Star, NiGHTS Into Dreams, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, etc.)
- Pretty much was the best at what they do

- They died far too soon... DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD:


I loled, cause it's pretty much all true. Sega got shafted man.

My favorite console of all time is the Super Nintendo, The PS2 is right behind it. After that would probably be the Saturn or NES.

Nowadays I'd say I hold only moderate support for Nintendo and Sony, with Sony being slightly higher. I believe the PS3 will be the first system I purchase from this gen and it may be soon, but I'll still mostly be playing PS2 games on it. I have like 3 PS3 games so does it really even count? I do also own like 4 Wii games from when I still lived with my bro and I could play his. I have almost no interest in Xbox whatsoever. I may pick up the original Xbox for kicks if I can find it super cheap one day to play Panzar Dragoon Orta and Gun Valkyrie (Both Sega games bytheway kthx)

Back in the day I loved both Sega and Nintendo passionately. When Sega died, I started shifting some of my support to Sony and Nintendo stayed pretty solid with Gamecube but started losing support when the Wii came around.
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#5  Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 4:19 pm  Reply with quote + 
Mighty, you seem to have a sort of weighted opinion... if you didn't use all those absolutes ("best gameplay of any game", "no reliability of any game") it might have been a bit more valid.

As for SSJ, that seems a lot more rational... might be slightly biased (for example, what makes some of those games the "best ever"?), but regardless you do bring up a lot of good points there.

...If you can't tell, I don't like absolutes when it comes to anything that isn't a concrete law.
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Hammer Bomber

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Post#6  Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 1:11 pm  Reply with quote + 
hmm, i've never liked what SEGA had to offer on any of their machines. The line of games on the SNES appealed to me more than the Master System, the Playstation's price appealed to me more than the Saturn and the timing of the Gamecube's release was more relevant to me than the Dreamcast, that by that time pretty much had ports of all its better games

From a gamer's perspective, Microsoft's product is currently the superior with more games than the PS3 and a more sophisticated/evolved online network of players, its also much more affordable now
The Wii's sales are propped up by families, good from a business perspective, made them plenty of money but the library doesn't quite suite all tastes yet
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Regulus 777

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Post#7  Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:47 pm  Reply with quote + 
Hammer Bomber wrote:
The Wii's sales are propped up by families, good from a business perspective, made them plenty of money but the library doesn't quite suite all tastes yet

and it probably never will. lol
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