So, I know alot of you are fans of the multiplayer bomberman, the grids and the + shaped explosions. Have any of you wondered if Hudson Soft would ever make a new Bomberman adventure? I'll use The Second Attack as an example. This game was a gem, my favourite bomberman game. Great storyline, wonderful characters, all around nice gameplay., question.
If Hudson made a new Bomberman single player adventure, what would you like to see?
Bomberman has enough potential to have a good single player mode.
Also, I know this isn't gonna happen. I just wanted to see what you guys would come up with :P
... aside from that, I'd really have no complaints what it would play like. It could be fifty times slower and drawn-out than Generation for all I care, if it had the opportunity to play the story mode with a chum or three that would be me satisfied. god knows what it implies when what I want in the single-player mode is multi-player. :/
YES, Ragey is right, we need more Kurobon in Story Mode! Or heck, throw in Max and some other hero character and make each map more expansive and you could have yourself a 4-player Story Mode!
I'd also like to see more games where the villains are playable characters in Battle Mode, alongside whatever special ability they have.
And another thing, one thing I liked about the first Bomberman 64 is that it ACTUALLY TOOK A LONG TIME FOR ME TO BEAT. Classic Bomberman (grid) can be innovated in so many ways, they never even really tried! They just threw in more switches or "missions" with the same layout, why no puzzles? The only ones I can remember doing much different with the game are those two GBA ones (Story and the Jetters one). Give it some of the stuff that the 3D Bomberman games had, and more.
So many things can be done, but all I've seen are little extras like those jetpack and shield items in the Wii game. And the shield has basically been done before, in Party Edition.
What I'd like to see would be a mixture of Bomberman Hero, both Bomberman 64 and it's sequel, and Bomberman Generation. Hero for the jump ability, 64 for the length and maybe even the infamous gold cards, the sequel for Pommy, and Generation for the Charabon and Bomb type system.
I'd also like to see more games where the villains are playable characters in Battle Mode, alongside whatever special ability they have.
Basically, this. I'm satisfied with the games, though I wish for more Saturn Bomberman quality, but playing as villains was totally cool.
I'm also tired of Charabons and don't personally wish for a TSA-style Bomberman, but a less story-driven 64 sequel would be nice.
Well, it's fine to have a story... but TSA was way too easy compared to the first Bomberman 64. Personally I'd like to see more story (background of characters for example, like in the aptly named Bomberman Story), nothing really changes in Bomberman games when they end. Bad guys die/defeated/sealed away, Bagura or whoever is going to just come back again. Bomberman Story was interesting because it revealed more about some of the characters.
But I too am tired of the Charaboms.
On the note of the 64 games, though, I don't think we'll ever see Regulus again. No offense to anybody, I'm just saying.
I like the storyline and I liked the storyline for TSA, but... I don't think it was supposed to be a serious thing, and yet I see many calling it a deep quest to save the universe while relating to the gods? Now, really?
That's the power of one's will baby! Supposedely you can do anything if you set your mind to it.
Now if only that worked in real life! *snicker*
*ahem* Now for my post!
I really enjoyed the 64 games' stories as well. In regards to the depth of it all, I think people interpret things different ways so some might see this whole thing relating to the gods and all.
To me I wouldn't say it's super deep either, but if you compare it to most of the older Bomberman games the story is really quite deeper. All you really did in most of the older games was blast through stages and fight a boss here and there. The 64 games' (particularly Bman64 and the 2nd attack) has alot more dialogue amongst the characters and giving you more of an idea of what was going on and as things moved forward a story was developing. You had the cut scenes between the enemies between worlds and you got the occasional update from Lilith.
Compared to some games, Bomberman 64 or the 2nd attack isn't too deep, but it definately has a lot more of an offering in the storyline/dialogue department then previous games of the series and maybe thats what has pulled alot of us in, y'know?
It does certainly have a lot of story in it, I like that. But as a Bomberman game, I don't think it has any deep meaning. It just has a more complex story than the other Bomberman games. Not sure which gods everyone is referring to, but if you're talking about character names... look at the first 64 game, they're all named after stars or constellations (except Artemis, that's a goddess name). I don't think they're actually supposed to be representative of them. It's just interesting to throw in references like that in names, otherwise you've got names that don't mean anything. Plus you're probably supposed to think that the Astral Knights are all evil throughout the course of the game, which would be why they'd name them similarly to supposed demons (where do you hear a demons name anyway? Why is that even relevant? Oh well, that's a whole different discussion).
I'd also go for co-op multiplayer and the gameplay to be similar to super Bomberman 1 or 2's single player, but it'd be sweet to have it way longer. Maybe they could make one so hard it could require 4 people to beat it ^_^ (Kind of like the concept Nintendo has for their upcoming Mario sidescroller for Wii)
A new set of hostile bombers, no comebacks and no re-designs. No charabon rubbish either
If they decide to give Bomberman a voice, it should be the squeaky one from the 90's as opposed to the child's voice thats been cropping up far too much.
Any why not go back to 5 player battle mode, it was perfectly feasible to put another player in the middle of the screen, Dodge Battle was a good option too that i only saw in Generation, that should be re-introduced.
The "dodge battle" was brought back on Bomberman Blast as "air raid" but a lot of people don't like it now since the Wii version has shields. What 3 players do (this has become common knowledge online) is they all 3 stand in a corner and make an "L" shape. One stands in the very corner so that bombs can't land there and the other two shield the space in front of that in both directions. by doing this they have made an invincible corner unless a dangerous bomb shows up. The shields really were a bad idea
A true sequel to the Bomberman 64: The Second Attack kthx
No really, that game had some cool characters and some neat ideas (for a Bomberman game anyway). I would love to see the Astrial/Elemental Knights again, Rukifellth and Lilth, and the like. I would like to see a simple, yet satisfying story like TSA did.
Maybe it's just me (and perhaps a bit unfair as I haven't played much of the newer games), but it's kind of dull when each new addition seems to be the same game as the last, but better in certain aspects.
_________________ The Local Video Gaming Lunatic
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