I was thinking, and I decided that it might be a good idea to have a party on BombermanBoard this summer.
Normally, we all get on at different times, and it seems to make things slow, but I think it could be awesome if a bunch of us were on at the same time. So I was thinking we could have a forum party. Basically, we could pick a date, and everybody gets on, and has fun. We could have games, and even prizes. (The staff would have to approve the prizes idea, but read below a little bit to see what I have in mind) I just think it would be an awesome idea. And we would do it in the summer so that we could get the most people possible to do it because the summers are stress free and quiet for people who are still in school, and in some cases also good for people with jobs (that might vary depending on what jobs people have, etc.) But to make it convenient for everybody (or almost everybody hopefully) it would be a good idea to do something like this in the summer on a weekend.
So what does everybody think of having an event like this on BombermanBoard?
Anyway, for the prizes idea, there don't have to be prizes, but that was just an idea that I came up with. The staff can decide on this, but here are some examples of what I think might make good prizes. One thing would be custom ranks for the forum. This is just an idea, and it would not be necessary for the event to be fun, but it's just an idea I had. Also, the prizes could be something like status, access to something secret, or anything like that. The prizes were just an idea of mine, and are not necessary for the event to work out, but I just thought it would make things fun.
Oh, and also, lets try to work out the best possible date in this thread if we decide that we are going to be doing this.