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DS-PSP chat
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Which is better, DS or PSP?
Nintendo DS (DS)
 93%  [ 14 ]
Playstation Portable (PSP)
 6%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes: 15

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Post#41  Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2005 11:07 pm  Reply with quote + 
Wow... The PSP isn't doing well! :normal: 

And Sony even realizes that its in trouble... :surprise: 

Gamespot wrote:
Reports say Sony's current 12 million PSP production goal is actually 6 million less than its initial estimate.
According to a report by Nikkei BP, Sony has reduced production of its PSP handheld by 33 percent. The Japanese business-news network says that companies providing components for the PSP were initially told by Sony that it expected to manufacture approximately 18 million units during the current business year.

However, by late April, when Sony released its annual financial report, the company announced it planned to ship only 12 million PSP units--the same number of new slimline PS2 consoles it plans to produce.

If true, the reason why Sony downsized its PSP production plan is unclear. Nikkei BP says that one reason could be a shortage of chips that Sony manufactures at its own plants. However, many industry watchers have speculated that the company is scaling back production because PSP demand is below its initial estimates.

The Nikkei BP article also talks about the PlayStation 3, forecasting that its mass production could begin as early as the end of 2005. However, the paper says full-scale production is more likely to start in the middle of Q1 2006.


But if you think about it, the PSP has only been out 3 months now... and like the PSP, the DS had a pretty rough time during it's first three months due to it's... less-than-average games.

I'm sure by Fall, Sony'll will get thier act together...
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