Interesting... I guess we could try running a game like that when we get things sorted out enough, to see what it would be like, and to be able to play the game without having to wait for an engine to be completed. Heck, maybe we could even run it in a thread here, and have a DM who could post simple map grids (maybe even just ASCII) to display the current room and the people/objects/monsters within, and of course do other DM stuff. Those tools would certainly come in handy.
I would like to try and actually make a PC game out of this eventually, though. I've had a thought for quite some time about running online games without having a base server, using something akin to friend codes I guess. So the DM, or the host player I guess, would run the server for a single game. Also, perhaps there could be an option to have a real DM in the room, who could have the means with which to alter the game? Graphics wouldn't have to be fancy, the characters could even be as simplistic as battle mode Bombermen in TSA.