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From Topic: My review/thoughts on Bomberman Land Touch! for DS
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Sora G. Silverwind

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Joined: 09 Mar 2006
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Post#7  Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 10:47 pm  Reply with quote + 
Feen wrote:
Both Bomberman DS games disappointed me, single player-wise. Bomberman DS was too short and seemed like it was put together in less than a day, and I don't consider T!BL much of a Bomberman game at all. That's as far as single player goes. It's a shame. *wishes they'd remake BM64 on DS*

Multiplayer isn't bad, but I have yet to try it with over 4 people.

Also, if you were wondering, Bomberman Land Touch multiplayer is just about the same as Bomberman DS multiplayer, so if you have BLT, there's no need to get the other.

Touch Bomberman Land is really just a generic multiplayer game with the Bomberman label slapped on it. It's fun and cute and all, but, uh, give me more TSA plz. ;_;

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