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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Online Bomberman Games -> Bomberman Online (2002-2008)
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From Topic: Japanese Bomberman-online is back
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Post#71  Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:15 am  Reply with quote + 
Razon wrote:
Anonymous wrote:
Razon wrote:
Hey momo, mind telling me what the news update is? Something about the 1000 cash you were given when you signed up. I don't really understand it.

Also you guys should quit lookin for a way around, in the past don't you remember that they would make updates all the time and sometime switch their method of doing it? Its just 100% easier if you just get a japanese operating system. No trouble from that point on.

If I put a japanese operating system I won't understand anything in my computer, that would be useless...

I'll be patient and wait for the solution. I know there will be one.
If you use the computer enough then you would know what it is even if you don't understand it + the fact that you can use both operating systems by just restarting and switching- but you would need something like partition magic, anyway you don't need to install it the normal way like I did on my laptop. You can use vmware and emulate it in a window, but I would say you need at the very least, 512MB Ram, 3GB space free and a 2GHZ processor. I run it on my desktop that way in window mode, though you can also go in fullscreen mode aswell. And if you need help getting through the install and what to do to get it running then I can help guide you through that, I've already helped guide someone else through it.

And I do not think there will be a fix at all, you do know that broomop couldn't manage to bypass the last update they made before they shut it down right? And since it uses the system_id thing which there is not enough known about it, there won't be a fix most likely. Also if you are on dialup don't bother since you can't even play right, not even with double the speed of dialup. I've tried when I was out from my cellphone.

Could you please help me? I've installed VMware, but I've got no idea how to use it. Please add me on msn messenger ([You must log in to view emails]) or aim (Fetaii). Thank you for your time and help.
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