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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Online Bomberman Games -> Bomberman Online (2002-2008)
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From Topic: Japanese Bomberman-online is back
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Joined: 11 May 2005
Posts: 170
Post#64  Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 4:44 pm  Reply with quote + 
Razon wrote:
alexa999 wrote:
Japanese BmanOnline is back but you need a japanese OS? Why don't we just play korean since we have it? VMWare is a pain
For 4 good reasons, the korean one has those stupid coins and is also glitchy. Also the players suck and the new thing you need to install for mgame games causes my windows xp to crash when I do certin stuff. Also since I'm learning japanese its cool to talk to people, I'm highly ranked aswell.

The players suck? :shifty:  Razon, I believe the last time you played me (which was back on the old BMO Japan), you got owned. So please, let's not come with this "the players suck" as I know a lot of good people on there. Unless you mean they suck in a different kind of way.

Also, about your score getting reset, how did you make those points up so fast? :shifty: 

Anyway, until a patch comes out or something, I'll just stick with BMO Korea. :P
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