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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Online Bomberman Games -> Bomberman Online (2002-2008)
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From Topic: Japanese Bomberman-online is back
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Joined: 03 Dec 2005
Posts: 22
Post#63  Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:06 am  Reply with quote + 
Razon wrote:
Well even so the person in third didn't get kicked, he should of been suspected of the same thing. Also I would of just prefered it they banned my account instead of leaving me with 0 points. I don't feel like it but I coudl just take it easy and make 20k a day but I bet they would still erase my score when I got high up there again, so I don't really see a point to it.

I think get banned and leave the account with 0 point is kind of the same thing. They wrote that down in their rules. Plus, I don't think they will erase your account again if you play well. They check the high score everyday (Win/Lose score also) so it makes sense if you win too much without losing. Believe me they won't do that if you get into that high score in a month or more but they'll do that if it's in 2 or 5 days.
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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Online Bomberman Games -> Bomberman Online (2002-2008) All times are GMT-5:00 (DST+1)

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