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From Topic: Super Duper Bomberman
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Joined: 18 Jul 2023
Posts: 3
Post#1  Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 5:00 pm  Reply with quote + 
So... What the heck is Super Duper Bomberman?
Well it's a concept but a really neat one I assure you!

White and Black discover that a failed experiment in Dr. Ein's lab created a dangerous anomaly, SCORPION BOMBER! Scorpion broke out of the facility and stole a ship, then he flew off into the galaxy! He became allies with the 5 Dastardly Bombers and plans to take over the galaxy and avenge the Buggler!

SDBM as I will abbreviate it from here on, is going to have 3 modes:
1. Story Mode (Normal)
Play through the campaign, and defeat the final boss to unlock Scorpion Bomber as a playable character in Battle Mode! 1-2 Player Campaign with moderate difficulty.

2. Battle Mode (Battle)
Compete in a level style of your choosing! 12 Level styles, up to 5 player chaos!

3. SKULL! Mode (SKULL)
Battle Mode, but with a nasty twist! There is a chance you'll run into a SKULL while looking for power ups! If you get it, you'll get a debuff that will last for 30 seconds!

Debuff list:
Constipation: You won't be able to place bombs
Diarrhea: You will continuously place bombs without control
Lethargy: You will be really slow
Hyperactivity: You will be really fast
Short fuse: Your bombs are quick to explode
Long fuse: Your bombs are slow to explode
Grenade: Your bombs will have the shortest range
Sticky bomb: Your bombs will follow you, and have the shortest range

Power up list:
Fire: Adds to your explosion range
Bomb: Adds to your bomb count
Kick: Allows you to kick bombs
Skates: Adds to your walk speed
Punching Glove: Allows you to punch bombs
Power Glove: Allows you to pick up bombs, and players to throw them (only Battle)
Golden Fire: Gives you MAX explosion range for 4 levels (only Normal)
Vest: Makes you immune to explosions (only Normal)
Golden Vest: Makes you invincible (only Normal)
Question Mark: gives you a random power up (only Normal)
Golden Coin: Turns you into Gold Bomber (only Battle, submodes)

What are submodes? Well, they are basically rules you can add to the Battle Mode!

Submodes list:
Crown: If you're holding the crown when the time is up, you win!

Coin: Inspired by the arcade game Pac-Man Battle Royale, when you get the coin and turn into Gold Bomber, you can turn the other players into solid gold and freeze them!

Battle Royale: Get as many kills as you can! If you die, you respawn, and the one with the most kills wins!

Ninja Star: your bombs are replaced by ninja stars! Press the button to throw your star!

SDBM is going to be a big solo passion project, and I will be updating you all on the way!

So, BomberBoard... What do you think? Is it good or does it need work? Any suggestions? Comments? Ideas? Something stupid or other things? Let me know! I need answers!
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