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From Topic: Bomberman Hideaway - A New Fansite?
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Joined: 17 May 2014
Posts: 37
Post#2  Posted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:00 pm  Reply with quote + 
Pretty good for a early website. I hope it will become a great website someday.

Edit: I'm a fan of the bomberman land series. Yes, this isn't the normal bomberman game but it is a bunch of minigames, but you can put bomberman land-related topics on your website.

Also, many bomberman land games comes with a multiplayer-style bomberman game: It's called Battle game, battle pack or battle-something. Each bomberman land game have it's own battle game though. So, better you put this too.

It's just a recommendation, but many players don't like the land series, so, it's your choice.
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