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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Bomberman Fansites
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From Topic: Bomberman Hideaway - A New Fansite?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2013
Posts: 5
Post#1  Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 4:46 pm  Reply with quote + 
Hey guys, I've been working on something for the past few weeks, and I thought you all would like it if I posted it here.
The fansite's name is Bomberman Hideaway. It's in it's very early stages, it only has basic information for the main series games up to Bomberman World.
I'm planning on adding manuals and strategy guides soon, but I'm not sure if it would be okay for me to put them up since I got some of them from other sites. I don't know.

Please give me some feedback on it so far! If there's anything wrong with it that I need to change, please let me know. This might not have the same amount of information as Ragey's Bomberman site, but I figured I'd work on it as much as I could. :oops: 
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