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From Topic: Dynablaster Revenge
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Joined: 30 Apr 2014
Posts: 4
Post#6  Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 8:01 am  Reply with quote + 
Hi again,

There's a new version available to download (

Here's a list of things we changed in the latest release:
- Support for optional OpenGL extentions has been added.
- A button has been added to the lounge to add local players without hotkey.
- Bombs are now initiated when they're kicked into another detonation.
- If a player joins a running game he/she is told the maximum game duration.
- All keys are released when the window focus is lost.
- Space level performance improved for slow hardware.
- Screensaver and screen dimming is disabled while the game is running.
- An initial check if render-to-texture is functional has been added.
- A skull face is now active half a second before it points perfectly upwards.
- The setting 'development/camerafollowsplayer' in game.ini is functional again.
- The space lensflare now shifts with the camera x translation.
- The animation of the invincible effect is now resolution independent.
- Pouet, facebook and web buttons have been added to the main menu.
- The server has been added to the history.dr file.
- Added support for SuperJoyBox9 (connects XBox1 pads to PC)
- Added support for PS3/XBox360 Adapter (connects PS1/2/3, Xbox360 pads to PC)

Fireball, your request for 'respawning extras' will be implemented in version 1.0.2, I guess. Anything else you asked for is now included.

Have fun! :)

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