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From Topic: Dynablaster Revenge
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Joined: 12 Dec 2004
Posts: 822
Post#2  Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:37 am  Reply with quote + 
This looks super impressive, I'll certainly give it a test or two.

Also, quite neat that it's a project stemming from the demo-scene.

I'd prefer an option for a static camera, just because I would. (Camera shake on explosion is fine, the camera just shouldn't move in regards to the players movement. I need to be able to track every player, and while dealing with the camera moving doesn't make it that much harder, it doesn't add anything to the experience for me either.)

Game feel and movement is quite good, my largest complaint gameplay wise would be that with alot of players and a lack of powerup re-spawn on death there is a pretty severe lack of powerups for my personal taste. It gets pretty hard to kill things when it's only a few people left and none of the remaining players really have gotten much for powerups.

I still have yet to try it online.

Last edited by Fiddling3857 on Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:36 am
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