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From Topic: So this item in Saturn Bomberman's bonus game...
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Post#10  Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 1:03 pm  Reply with quote + 
Haha, sorry to steal your thunder~

I've done a few rips from Saturn Bomberman, but I couldn't have done it without the Yabause emulator - its savestates can be opened in tile viewers (like GGD), so all the loaded graphics are there to be found. Graphics start somewhere around the middle of the file, palettes around decimal address 2997760.
They're organised in 'linear' or '2D' mode, so there's usually very little assembling (Bomura just required pegging his propellor head onto a few frames), it just requires a bit of stretching and squashing until they look right. Depends on the object, really - players and basic enemies seem simple enough, but bosses have all sorts of separate parts and pieces.
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