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From Topic: So this item in Saturn Bomberman's bonus game...
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#4  Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:15 pm  Reply with quote + 
That's what I was wondering as well.

In any case, you got me curious about this, so I went ahead and played and snatched one. Once the little Bomber Catcher claw had grabbed the plushie containing a Bomura prize, the Bomberman head's eyes turned into X's, and a terrible roaring sound occurred.

Then, almost a minute into play, this happened:

Woah, okay. It's flying in from the side.

Predictably, it lands in the center of the screen.

Upon landing, it begins walking rather slowly in a line, breaking apart any Soft Blocks that are in its path of destruction.

Holy shit! It's shooting lasers!

Someone blasted it right before that happened, but Bomura shrugged off the fire like it was nothing.

The laser spans seven tile spaces, I believe, and causes hellfire to emerge upon those spaces for a while.

Bomura itself appears to take damage when it is blasted, but I and the CPU players were only able to deal it about six hits before Sudden Death began, at which point Bomura flew off stage and out of our lives forever.

So yeah. That was pretty badass. I'll try to grab its sprites sometime.
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