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Joined: 14 Feb 2010 Posts: 386
#8 Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 8:00 pm |
This made my brain hurt. These people hardly know anything about who they vote for and yet they continue to vote blindly. I don't understand why they feel such a strong need to vote yet don't bother to learn any information about the people they're choosing to run their country and their own lives. It's truly pathetic. It is quite irritating to know that these ignorant fools make up the vast majority and thus possess more voting power in order to make stupid decisions that effect the rest of us who actually think about who we're voting for and why.
It's like some kid not studying before a test because they know it's multiple choice, allowing them to guess their way through it. I myself will never vote for anyone until I learn everything that there is to know about each and every one of the candidates. I can't expect myself to resolve the problems of this country without having a proper understanding of these problems and the effects of each possible solution. (aka the different candidates) I don't know why most people think otherwise.
Now I need to lay down. I was not joking when I said it made my brain hurt. |