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From Topic: Legend of the Black Dragon (White Fatalis's Art)
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Joined: 07 Jun 2009
Posts: 250
Post#1  Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:28 am  Reply with quote + 

Hasn't there been a song stuck in your head? A song sung by children all across the land? A song with soul, sung diligently in the streets and in the alleys? What is that song?

'The legend of death,
death by a giant wyvern

has been revived'

It is 'The Legend of the Black Dragon'! Everyone should know it, as it is based on a famous fairy tale!

However, I think the fact that everyone is singing this song is actually a sign. They say children are always first to foretell the changing of the world. They are said to have a special sense for these kinds of things.

I have gathered as much information as I could from the corners of this world, and I have told those who should be told. However, no one believes me. That is why I have begged for a few pages in Hunting Life explain the Legend to all who care to learn.

'The Legend of the Black Dragon' is said to exist everywhere, and while there are changes in the lyrics depending on the location, the content of the song is the same. So please understand that the lyrics printed below are representative of the song as I know it. The lyrics may be different where you are located.

The Legend of the Black Dragon

When the world is full of wyverns
The legend is revived

Meat is eaten, Bone is crunched.

And blood is sucked up dry

He burns the earth
And melts through iron

He boils the rivers

And mows down trees

He awakens the winds

And lights an inferno

He is called Fatalis
The wyvern of destiny

He is called Fatalis

The wyvern of destruction

Call for help

Run for your lives

And don't forget to

Pray to the skies

He is called Fatalis
The wyvern of destiny

He is called Fatalis

The wyvern of destruction

Fatalis, Fatalis

Heaven and Earth are yours

Fatalis, Fatalis

Heaven and Earth are yours

Note: Currently unfinished despite how it looks.

A mystery among many is the main confusion between Bowser and Chronicle King. Nobody has ever been able to get a pic of them togethor until very recently, at that point the differences between both have been revealed. The most important aspect that most people surprisingly didn't realise is that Chronicle King is TINY in comparison to the great King Bowser. A rather obvious difference though is that their coloration does not match at all; Bowser is yellowish orange with a green shell and red hair while Chronicle King uses only black and white colors save for his eyes and chain collars. Another difference is that Chronicle King has smaller horns/spikes and 4 tail spikes while Bowser has larger horns and only 2 tail spikes. Clearly, the real reason for the confusion is Chronicle King's creator's DA Username, Bowser-the-King.

The evolution of the Twilatii race and their design has been quite puzzling, as they've gone under 3 major design stages that look so vastly different from eachother save for the 2 recent designs. The initial design for it was called the Terror Beast because it was design as a grotesque looking creature with 2 mouths and a deformed second head on top of it's main head. Eventually the design became more gentle looking with the mutated second head becoming a serpent like Male form of the creature with the main beast both were being the Female counterpart, taking similarities to deep sea Angler Fish and referencing it's outerspace environment. They were no longer the omnipotent god beasts they once were though, as they have had their power toned down more. Just recently they have become somewhat weaker and had their designs softened once again into the designs you see above, though they still somewhat resemble their 2nd design. The future of these creatures remain unknown so far, but they will most likely be tweaked once again.

A long, long time ago, there used to be 3 kings from a far away land who were among the greatest bosses in existance. At the time they were the most difficult bosses ever until Sephiroth took their title in Kingdom hearts and Fatalis took Sephiroth's title in Kingdom Hearts until his title was also taken by Fatalis. They were known as Armydillo, Mad Jack, and Dogadon. They were mostly minions of King K. Rool who tried to stop DK and his friends from taking all of his Golden Bananas back. While they were nothing but mere minions, they had far more potential than what most people realised. Bowser-the-King has taken the honor of beefing up all 3 of them to join him among his RP Cast given how they probably will never be seen in a game again. Each of them is given a redesign that makes them far more menacing and powerful than ever before, but what will their newfound powers become?

Imagine a world where modern technology never existed. All life was lived out the old fashion way as if it were the dawn of man again. Most sentient life in the Galaxy lost all their strength upon gaining intelligence. Then came one story of an unknown humanoid individual getting stranded on an alien planet as a mere infant and was instand born among the beast men. Many other intelligent beings have become stranded on this very planet and re-evolved into stronger beings but keeping their intelligence, but none has ever lived up to the strength of this individual...

Let me all tell you a story. What kind of story you may be wondering? A story to never be revealed. Long ago has he lived and today he has met his end. His story is about love, happiness, and humiliation, and yet it is one to never be told by anyone. It is a story that is to never be told but to never be forgotten. Farwell, my good friend...
Note: Has claws as well but has them withdrawn
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