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From Topic: BombermanBoard 2009 Feature Request
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Board Admin

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Joined: 12 Dec 2004
Posts: 959
Post#16  Posted: Mon May 17, 2010 3:55 am  Reply with quote + 
Browser compatibility updates and cleanups.

- Minor Updates

1: The Spell Checker Definition and Thesaurus button links have been fixed, so they work again.
2: The Spell Checker is now compatible with all modern browsers and possibly some older ones too. If it's not compatible with your browser, then just post here and I'll add compatibility for it if it can be done.
3: Forum style and layouts for various things has been fixed for all browsers, things like buttons, input fields, certain layouts and etc, everything should look the way that it was supposed to in all browsers now. It's not perfect but it's close to it, everything displays perfect in IE for sure.

As always just request anything you want to see done, and point out anything that doesn't work or doesn't seem right if you ever want something done about it. No-one reported any of the load of fixes that I did this time, but I think I've taken care of many main ones now.

Recommended to clear your browser's temporary files if you want everything to show right, opera especially likes to keep caches for too long.
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