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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Online Bomberman Games
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From Topic: Bomberman Set for DSi Ware
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Plasma Bomber
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Post#13  Posted: Fri Sep 18, 2009 10:03 pm  Reply with quote + 
Okay yeah - re-use the same Bomberman engine. I'm not against that. But it's the fact that they just keep cranking out Bomberman games that are nothing but basic gameplay and aesthetics. They can quite easily add new and inventive features to battle mode without having to overhaul the original engine. And Louies are not a hard thing to code, I'm sure. Which just leaves different characters, which is by far the simplest thing to add or modify.

Plus there seem to be only ten stages. I'd think that it shouldn't take an outrageous amount of time to create more stages, or even different ones that could just combine gimmicks of "standard" stages.

To me, it seems like laziness. They know how to make a Bomberman engine - they've done it on so many different consoles in the past - there's really no excuse, in my opinion. The whole idea of being a game developer is to make, not to recieve.
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