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From Topic: Bomberman Set for DSi Ware
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Soniti 254

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Joined: 13 Dec 2004
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Post#6  Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2009 9:54 pm  Reply with quote + 
So it's only multiplayer huh? Can't say I'm particularly disappointed or surprised, since everyone seems to believe that's what Bomberman is all about nowadays. Never mind the people that actually liked the single player cuz it was actually, you know, fun and interesting (see: Bomberman 64 and Bomberman 64: The Second Attack!).

So as I mentioned prior, still no real reason for me to bother picking up a questionably improved DS, especially since the only real additions are improved DLC (although this I'm uncertain of) and a camera (but honestly, who in their right mind would use that? Everybody that would have a DS already has cell phones or actual cameras to do that and better), at the cost of removing GBA playability (was bad enough you couldn't even play GB/C games on it).

I'm not trying to be whiny or anything, I just don't see any reason to really be excited about a multiplayer only game, let alone online only, for a console I'm absolutely not interested in. For one, I'm more often then not playing games by myself (which is the only reason I didn't bother getting games like WarioWare Smooth Moves, Mario Kart Wii, and Mario Party 8 (or whatever the Wii one's called)) and two, I hardly ever use my DS much these days (and when I do, it's usually to play GBA games), so "upgrading" to a DSi isn't exactly logical to me. Again, not trying to be whiny or just a sore spot about this, just giving my opinion and reasons behind it.

Eh, I considered putting in some sort of rant going into detail about why I do not like online gaming, but I decided it'd be entirely beside the point and wouldn't really provide anything relevant to the topic anyway. It would also probably end up being this big wall of text that most people who even see it will simply say "tl;dr" and skip it entirely and removing any point or reason to go into it anyway.
The Local Video Gaming Lunatic

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