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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Online Bomberman Games -> Bomberman Online (2002-2008)
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From Topic: [BOJ] Bomberman Online Japan (2008-2009)
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Post#62  Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:06 pm  Reply with quote +
It's been announced that BOJ's service will be temporarily suspended at the end of this month, January 31st 2009. There's currently no set date of when it's going to be back, I wouldn't expect it any sooner then towards the end of the year- hopefully it doesn't take until 2010.

For everyone who bought cp for in-game use wether you purchased in-game items or not with it, they have sent out e-mails which contains a link to a webmoney code for the full amount that you spent, you have to click on the link to get the code before the link expires on 02/16/2009. Respect to them for refunding everyones money in full though, I don't know of any other company besides hudson that would do that. It was a pleasant surprise as I was clearing through spam e-mails to find 2 e-mails from them, refunding all of the cp that I had bought and used. Prior to this they made all CP items in-game cost BP instead, except for the lottery which is where I spent most of the money that I spent in the game. Some items just costs way too much BP though, so I'm glad that I bought much of the stuff and got a refund for it all on top of that.

I have yet to play BOJ with anyone else from this community, would anyone like to get together in-game and have a few matches before the service is temporarily suspended for an unknown amount of time?

Edit: As of 01-31-09 the game is down and service has been suspended, I was around for the server down with all the japanese players in the chat. Shame that I didn't get to play with anyone else from the bombermanboard, I regret not playing the game more myself.
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