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From Topic: BombermanBoard 2009 Feature Request
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Board Admin

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Joined: 12 Dec 2004
Posts: 959
Post#1  Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2009 12:30 am  Reply with quote + 
Here you can discuss and request forum features, areas, modifications and anything of the sort that you'd like to see done.

Before requesting anything, make sure that we haven't already added it to the forum.

Here's the list of features and changes announced in this topic so far.

[Collapse] (05-17-2010) 3 Minor Updates
- Minor Updates

1: The Spell Checker Definition and Thesaurus button links have been fixed, so they work again.
2: The Spell Checker is now compatible with all modern browsers and possibly some older ones too. If it's not compatible with your browser, then just post here and I'll add compatibility for it if it can be done.
3: Forum style and layouts for various things has been fixed for all browsers, things like buttons, input fields, certain layouts and etc, everything should look the way that it was supposed to in all browsers now. It's not perfect but it's close to it, everything displays perfect in IE for sure.
[Collapse] (04-30-2010) 2 Features, 6 Minor Updates
- New Features

Index Sub-Forum New Posts Icon
On the index forum page, if there's no posts in a main forum section but in a sub-forum located under it, then it will show a new Sub-Forum New Posts Icon instead of the no new posts icon.

Collapse BBCode
A new BBCode for..
[Collapse] ← click this
..collapsing text has been added, you can see some use of it this topic's first post.
Example: [collapse]text to collapse here[/collapse]
Example 2: [collapse="subject here"]text to collapse here[/collapse]

[Collapse Text]
This is what it looks like without a subject.

- Minor Updates

1: The Spell Checker is now working again, due to a server change it wasn't finding anything.
2: Fixed an issue with the Spoiler BBCode.
3: Fixed an issue with "View recent posts since" menu disappearing before allowing you to select anything.
4: The Memberlist now by default displays the users in the order starting from the most recently active.
5: The time is also shown now in the Memberlist and in User Profiles for Last Active, instead of just the date.
6: Miscellaneous here and there things.
[Collapse] (03-30-2009) 1 Feature
- New Features

View Posted in Topics within Time Frame
There's now a link around the top of the index page near the other view posts links, that will allow you to view a lists of topics that have been posted in within the time frame that you select- this is the easiest way to view the overall newest posted in topics from every forum section.
Screenshot: View

Note: This topic has not been updated since 2010, for newer updates check the Change Log topic in Board Announcements.

Last edited by Razon on Mon Jan 16, 2012 4:50 pm
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