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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Online Bomberman Games -> Bomberman Online (2002-2008)
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From Topic: [BOJ] Bomberman Online Japan (2008-2009)
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Joined: 28 Apr 2008
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Post#61  Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:46 pm  Reply with quote + 
Ven wrote:
I haven't played this new BMOJ yet. What I played on my old PC (running Win2k) was the old BMO (japanese and korean) and BMO International (also played this a few times on my Vista)

The problem I'm having for this new BMOJ is when I click the button on the browser to start the game, nothing happens. I'll try again tomorrow to see if anything is different/and to be more specific.

I know exactly what you mean. I tried it on my friend's new PC and it did exactly the same thing that you and Razon spoke of. It is a bit of a tease, isn't it? It will install the app, load the website, load the loader, then when the loader is ready to load the game, it decides to magically vanish.

I had wanted to play against him some, to no avail. He just got some 8 gb of ram monster, using his 50" TV as a monitor. My only solace is that his 50" TV does not allow the PC input to go fullscreen but with some stupid border that eats some of the screen away even though my 32" HDTV with the same resolution set as his, goes fullscreen fine without a border. lol
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BombermanBoard Forum Index -> Online Bomberman Games -> Bomberman Online (2002-2008) All times are GMT-5:00 (DST+1)

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