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Joined: 28 Apr 2008 Posts: 302
#23 Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 1:04 am |
I agree with that, I just do not want to sell anyone's feelings of fandom short. I know several people right now online for instance who are super fans, but they are not allowed to own much of bomberman. For years I was not allowed to either, partly because of my mother's unwise purchases of everything but what I wanted and financial inability to purchase them.
One of the people I speak of has drawn a ton of bomberman artwork but do not own but a single game, and maybe it or another one is borrowed as well, and a handful of roms. Illegal copies of the games, yes, but they are still a fan to me. Just one not as invested financially as I am, not out of choice so much as lack of choice. I am a fan of a lot of movies and films, and even music I have not paid for though I may have access to them now. Then there's the stuff I spent money on, mostly due to ease and coming across it when the mood struck me.
Of course, one can say their non-financial act of expression and devotion is shown in their time spent on artwork. That retains some currency of fandom in a way that in some cases is worth more to me than buying a game that anyone can do. I cannot draw that amazingly but I can buy games. lol I draw some just not amazingly.
I'm trying to be as inclusive as possible here. I am well aware of the ease not buying bomberman trinkets and games would cause me, and extra cash saved as well. I still am strapped financially but I find bargains as a means to treat myself or rashly splurge telling myself it's because my wife literally burns money by smoking. One of my mother's poor lessons rings in my head sometimes. She told us, rather than buy junk food or something stupid, as we rarely had money for even food, to get tangible things we could hold onto. The problem is videogames, music, and movies have a HUGE curve of depreciation with the exception of rare titles that crop up. So you actually end up losing money if you didn't get enough out of the game through playing it. She never understood that and was always burned when she bought too much and then couldn't get enough money back off the waste.
Forgive me, I was a Sociology major and find myself trying to think of scenarios that might be unlike my own but equally as valid. Plus, I don't want people to measure my fandom or love for bomberman by the stuff I happen to have. Some people might take offense if I measured them as such. I've been a fair weather fan at times when real life bogged me down, keeping the torch alive by babbling about it to everyone I meet. ;) Spreading the disease of entertaining multiplayer fun.  |