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Joined: 28 Apr 2008
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Post#13  Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 12:00 pm  Reply with quote + 
Duke Serkol wrote:
They are called that in several games I reckon. It's really a mistranslation of Balloom. Does the enemy listing say anything to the other Bombermen?

Thanks for the transcription! I had been trying to find one for ages! :veryhappy: 

It doesn't say anything else about them specifically in this manual. It only says a couple more time in the battle mode info that you must beat them. Only the other enemies and the names of the levels are given on pg 6 and 7. I will try to start scanning my manuals in for those who want them I guess from work. I have a couple hours I'll be at work but not working (waiting for a karaoke event I'm hosting for students in one of our instruction labs) so that's perfect time to scan. The scans and txts are around but it couldn't hurt to do it again to save me time grabbing them from around the tubes. I like the pictures in them anyways.

I would say his followers, Kuro's that is, would encompass all the enemies that try to stop you on your mission. Not just the bombers in battle mode but the Barom, Shashakin, Nagacham, Ojin, Pontan, Boyon, Telpio, Parce, Arion, Bubbles, etc. As they are "constantly after you" as it says, then they must be allied with Kuro.

The funny tidbit I noticed when rereading the manual looking for bombermen details was that they call the skates running shoes in this version. I love the little differences between titles.
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